Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/873

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Chauvin, C. I-a btble depuis ses origincs jusqirh nos jours. I. Ln bible chez Ics Juits. P., libr. Itloud et Karml. 64 pp. i6mo. f. 0.60. (The) Church, past & present; ic\ieu of its his- tory by the Bishop of Ij>ndon. Bishop Barrj- & others, ed. by H. I^t. Gwatkin. L., James Nisbet & Co. 304 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. [Comhe, G. Science & religion. New ed. L.,

James Oliphnnt. 2:^4 pp. izmo. is.] Donaldson. A. B. Five great Oxford leaders: Keblc, Newman. Pusey, I iddon, & Chnrch. N. Y.. Macmillan Co. 390 pp. 32mo. $1.75. [Gobincau, Comte de. L«s religions et les phi- losophies dans I'Asie centrale. 3^ edition. P., libr. Lerou.v. 544 pp. Bvo.] Gothein. Steihing der Kirche zur Volkswirth-

schaft. Dresden. Zahn & Jensch. Hall.T. C. Social meaning of modern relieious movements in England; being the Ely lec- tures for 1899. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 283 pp. ismo. f 1.50. Hutton, \V. H. Short history of the church in Great Britain. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 300 pp. lamo. $1. Kanncngieser, A. Lcs missions catholiqucs. France et Allemagne. P., libr. Lethielleux. 380 pp. i6mo. Lucock, H. M. Special characteristics of the 4 gospels. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 294 pp. 8vo. 6s. Rcnauld. Ernest. Conqueie protestante: nouvel cssai d'histoire coniemporaine. P., libr. Re- taux. 579 pp. iSmo. f. 3.50. R'eRS. J. S. History of the Jewish people during the Maccabean & Roman periods. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 320 pp. lamo. $1.25. Ruppert. Joh. Die katholischen Arbeitervereine Siiddeutschlands in ihrer er^ten Entwicklung .... Ein Beii'sg zur Zeitgeschichte der socialen Thatigkeit der Kirche .... Wiirz- burg. A. Gbbel's Verlag. 74 pp. 8vo. M. i. Tardive!, Jules. Situation religieuse aux Etats- Unis, illusions et realite. P., libr. Brouwer & Cie. 307 pp. i6mo. Urquhart, J. Die neueren Entdeckiingen u. die Bibel. uebersetz. Stuttgart. M. Kielmann. M.4. Waller, E. New discoveries in the origin of Christianity .... Baltimore, The Author. 128 pp. i2mo. $1.

16. Sanitary & Domestic Science.

Burdeti, Sir H. Nursing profession : how & where to train, 2d year. L., Scientific Press. 388 pp. 8vo. 2S.

Chambon. Le livre des meres: education domes- tique. P., libr. Gautier. 257 pp. i6mo. f. 3.

Harrison. Eveleen. Home nursing; modern sci- entific methods for the care of the sick. N.Y., Macmillan & Co. 235 pp. i2mo. $1.

[Kirk, Prof. Papers onhealth. New & comp. ed. rev. . . L., Simpkin, Marshall, Kent & Co. 234 pp. 8vo. 2S l"

McVey, W. E., ed. The human machine, its care & repair; or, how to develop the body, pre- serve the health, meet emergencies, nurse the sick & treat disease. Topeka, Kan., H. S. Reed. 848 pp. 8vo. $3.75.

Oxford. M. N. Handbook of nursing. L., Methuen & Co. 292 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

[Roberts, Sophie. Praktisches Koch- 11. Wirth- schaltsbuch f. die biirgerliche n. seine Haus- haltung. ... 3. Aufl. Esslingen, W, Lang- guth. 766 pp. 8vo. M. 6.]

Wilson. Mrs. Lucy L. \V.. ed. Handbook of do- me'itic •i'-ience & household arts for u«e in ele- mentary schools: a manual for teachers. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 407 pp. ismo. $1.

17. Socialism.

Congres general dcs organisations socialistes lran(;aises . . . 1899. P., libr. Bcllais. 503 pp. i6mo. f. 4.

Jautcs.J. Histoirc socialiste (1789-1900). I'c livraison. P.. libr. Rouff & Cie. pp. ]-8. 8vo.

Kirkup. Thomas. History* of socialism. New rev. enl. ed. N. Y.. Macmillan Co. ^64 dd. 8vo. $2. "* ^^

Lafargue. Paul. Pamphlets socialistes. Le droit .1 la paresse; b religion du capital ; I'apptiit vertdu; Pie IX au Par^dis. P., Giard & Rrit-re. 165 pp. i8mo. f. 1.50.

Marv, K. Civil war in France, with an introduc- tion by K, Engels. From the German by E. Belfort Bax. N. Y., International Library Co. So pp. i6mo. $0.25. (International library, V. i, no. i.)

McClure. W. S. Socialism: a paper read before the Albany Press Club. N. Y., New Yoik Labor News Co., 1S99. 32 pp. i6mo. $0.05. (People's libr.. V. -z^ no. %,)

Sambuc. Le socialisme de Fourier (these). P., libr. Larose. 2ir pp. 8vo.

Sozialdemokraiisch od. Nationalsozial ? Rede kampf zwischen Hm. Molkenbuhr u. Hrn. v. Gerlach z\x Emden, 1899. Kmden, A. Ger- hard in Komm. 62 pp. 8vo. M. 0.30.

Stubbs, C. W. Charles Kingsley & the Christian social movement. C, H, S. Stone & Co., 1899. 188 pp. lamo. $1.25. (Victorian era ser.)

Vorlander, K. Kant u. der Socialismos. B,, Reuther & Reichard. M. 1.50.

18. Sociology. Alllevo, Gius. Sagglo di una introduzione alle

scienze social!. Torino, Unione tipografico-

editrice, 1899. 63 pp. 8vo. L. 1.20. [Ammon. Otto. Ordre social et ses bases naturelles

(esquisse d'unc anthroposociologie, tr. sur la

2e ed. alleinande. P., libr. Fontemoing. 516

pp. 8vo.J Asbach, J. Deutschlands gesellschaftliche Eni-

wickelung. B., Weidmann. M. 3. (Der) bessere Mcnsch. Von e. Optimisten. Bres-

lau, Schlcs. Buchdruckerei. Si. 3. Bougie. C. Les idees egalitaires (etude sociolo-

gique). P.. F. Alcan. 250 pp. 8vo. f. 3.50. Brentano. Lujo, & Rob. Kuczynski. Die heutige

Grundlage der deutschen Wehrkraft. Stutt-

gan, J. G. Cotta. 132 pp. i6mo. M. 3.50. Chapman, J. J. Practical agitation. N. Y.,

Chas. Scribner's Sons. 157 pp. umo. $1.25. [Combe. G. Constitution of man in relation to

natural laws. New ed. L., James Oliphant.

248 pp. i2mo. IS.] Doret, J. Skizzen zur Organisation der socialen

Verhlilmisse. Zurich, Th. Schroter. 103 pp.

8vo. M. 1.60. Duprat, G. L. Sciences socialcs. P., Giard &

Briere. 326 pp. 8vo. f. 6. Folkmar. Daniel. Lemons d'anthropologie philo-

sophique; ses applications a la morale posi- tive. P., Schleicher frercs. 336 pp. 8vo.

f. 7-50. (Bibliotheque Internationale des

sciences sociologiques.) Griggs, E. H. New humanism, studies in personal

& social development. Brooklyn, N. Y., The

Author. 239 pp. i2mo. $1.60. Groppali, Aless. 11 novo indirizzo della sociolo-

gia americana contcmporanea. Bologna, tip.

Zamorani e Alberiazzi, 1899. 16 pp. 8vo. Lagresille. H. Vues coniemporaines de sociologie

et de morale socialc. P., libr. Giard & Briere.

273 pp. 8vo. f. 5. Mayr, G. v. Die Pflicht im Wirthschaftsleben. Tubingen, H. Laupp. M. 3.