Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/874

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Molinari, G. de. Esquisse de rorganisation poli- tique et economique de la soriete future. P., Guillaumin & Cie. 246 pp. i8mo. f. 3.50.

Mourre, Charles D*ou vient la decadence econo- mique de la France ? P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 464 pp. i6mo. f. 3.50'

iQ. Statistics.

Annuaire de Peconomie politique et de la statis- tique, fonde par MM. Guillaumin et Joseph Gamier, continue par Maurice Block [& Others]. P., Guillaumin & Cie. 1137 pp. i8mo.

Switzerland— Statist. Bureau des eidg. pept. dcs Innern. Annuaire statistique de Is Suisse. 18. Jahrg., iSgg. Bern, Art. Insiitut OrelH Kiissli. 410 pp. 8vo. M. 7.50.

2o, Unclassified.

[Acworth, W. M. Railways of England. Ed. 5. L., John Murray. 504 pp. 8vo. 10s. 6d.]

Almanach de la coopeiation frangaise pour 1900 (Pc annee) public pir le comite central de rUnion cooperative des societes fran^aisesde consommation. Ed. par E. de Boyve et collaborateurs. P., i rue Christine. 172 pp. 32mo. f. 0.40.

Apthorp, H. Trusts & their relations to in- dustrial progress: an address . , . Cleveland, Common Sense l^ub. Co. 27 pp. 8vo. $0.10.

Bobei, Charles. Ktude sur le monopole de Talcool en Suisse (these). Grenoble, AlHer freres. 175 pp. 8vo.

[Cathrein, Vict. Durch Atheismus zum Anar- chismus. Ein lehrreiches Bild ausdemUni- versitatsleben der Gegenwart. 2. Aufl. Fr., Herder. 193 pp. 8vo. M. 1.40.I

Cohn.Gustav. ZurGeschichte u, Poliiik des Ver- kehrswesens. St., F. Enke. 5'-'4 PP- 8vo. M. 14.

Congres {-2^) du credit populaire (associations cooperatives de credit), tenu "a Angouleme . . . 1898. Actes du congres. P., Guillaumin & Cie. 463 pp. 8vo.

Ely, R. T. Monopolies & trusts. N. Y., Mac- millan Co. 278pp. i2mo. $1.25. (Citizen's library of economics, politics & sociology, no. I.)

Fleurent, E. L'jndustrie sucriere: son histoire, sa situation economique actuelle. P., libr. Doin. 31 pp. 8vo.

Gairai, Joseph. Droits et devoirs des syndicats agricoles. P., libr. Pedone. 506 pp. 8vo. f. 8.

Great Britain— Chief registrar of friendly so-

cieties. Annual report (4th), 1898. Abstract

of accounts, is. 80. Hamon, Genrges. Les assurances sociales en

Europe. P., Berger, Levraull & Cie. 60 pp.

8vo. f. 2, Harper, Ida H. Life of Susan B. Anthony. L.,

T. F. Unwin. 2 v. 8vo. 32s. Hendrick, Frank. Railway control by commis- sions. N. Y., G. P. Putnams Sons. 161 pp.

i2mo. (Questions of the day. no. 96. $1.) Italy — Ministero di agricoltura, industria e com-

mercio: divisione credito e previdenza. Monte

di pieta. Roma, tip. Nazionale di G. Bertero,

1899. 55 PP- 8vo. Lamounarias, J. de. Les memoires d un employe

de chemindc fL"-. . . . P., I'auteur, 88, rue

Riquet. 284 lit . !6mo. f. 2.50. Mather, Marshr.!>. John Ruskin, his life &

teaching. 6th ed. N. Y.,F. Warne & Co.

184 pp. i2mo. *i,25, Meaux, M. de. Mission en /.llemagne. Rapport

sur la legislation des alcools. P., Impr. na-

tionale. 48 pp. 4^0. Meisei, Frz. Die Entwicklung der osterreichi-

schen Sparcassen seit 1848. Wien, M. Pcr-

les. 43 pp. 8vo. M. 1.20. (Aus '* Oester-

reichs ^VohIfahrts• Einrichtung. 1848-98.") Mill, H. R., ed. International geography, by

seventy nuthors. N. Y., D. Applcton. 1086

pp. Evo. $5.50- Mott. E. H. Between the ocean & the lakes:

the story of Eric. N. Y., J. S. Collins, 1899.

540 pp. 8vo. $7. Niedel. E., u. H. Rempel. Sparkassenhandbuch

nebst Formularen u. Mustern. B., J. J.

Heine. 266 pp. 8vo. M. 6.50. O'Gorman, P. W. Scientific valuation of Alcohol

in Health. L., Stephenson. 76 pp. 8vo.

IS. 6d. Piatt, J. L Canals of New York state a hm-

drance to its prosperity: paper read before the

N. Y. state commerce convention, 1899.

Poughkeepsie, N. Y., J. I. Piatt, 1899. 15 pp.

8vo. Robine, Andre. Des habitations a bon march^

(these). P., Chevalier Marescq & Cie. 190

pp. 8vo. Simmons, W. E. Nicaragua canal. N. Y., Har- per & Bros. 9 + 33 PP- il- niap. i2mo.

$1.25. Smith, H. Housing question. L., Swan Sonnen-

schein. 78 pp. 8vo. is. Tschierschky. Die deutsche Agrarfrage. Gbltin-

gen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprccht. M. 10. Zacher, Dr. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Aus-

lande. ii.u. 12. Heft. B., Verlag der Ar-

belter-Versorgg. 146 u. 77 pp. M. 3 u. 2.


[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a re; abstract under the head *' Notes and Abstracts" in Associations, Biography, OV/>.i, and Towns will

Administration : Farlie, J. A. State adminis- tration in New York, PSQ., Mr. Agriculture: Duprat, A. Revolution agricole,

SS., F.-Mr. Anarchism : Garreau, L. Moyen-age et I'anar-

chisme, HN., Ja. Animals: Coleridge, S. Cruelty to animals act

of 1876, FK., Mr. Archaeology: Petrie. W. F. Recent years of

Egyptian exploration, PSM.. Ap. Architecture: Partridge. W, O. True relation

of sculpture to architecture, F., Mr. Army: McClelbn, G. B. Army system, A.. Mr. Art; Eaton. D. C. Science of art for.m, PSM.,

Ap. See Cities, Sociology.

ference to a number of the Journal will be found in that number of the Journal. Articles dealing with be found grouped under those heads.

Associations: Projet de loi Waldeck- Rousseau sur les associations et la charite privee, RefS., Ap. 1.

Australia : Brown. \V. J. Australian common- wealth bill. LQR., Ja. Scrutator. Australian federation bill, Asiatic quarterly review. Ap.

Austria : Bunzel, G. Zur osterreichischen Han- dels- u. Verkehrspolitik, ZVS., 9: i.

Banking : see Finance.

Bible: Cams, P. Food of lite & the sacrifice, Monist, Ap. Cornill, C. H. New Bible & the old, Monist,

Ap. Gunkel, H. Two accounts of Hagar, Monist, Ap.