Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/875

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Biography: Brownell, W. C. John Ruskin,

Scribner's, Ap. Cobbe, Frances P. Recollections of Jrmcs Mar-

tineau. CoR.. F. Dave, V. Michel Bakounine et Karl Marx,

HN.. Mr. Fields, Mrs.J.T. Dr. Southwood Smith, ChR.,

Mr. Horion, R. T. John Ruskin, London Quarterly

Review, Ap. Jackson, A. W. James Mariineau, NW., Mr. Melone. S. H. James Martineau, IJE.. Ap. Moritzen, J. Great steel makers of Pituburg,

RRN.. Ap. Mr. Rus!;in. Blackwood's, Mr. Morris. W. O. Wellington. FR.. F. Nys, Ernest. Alphonse Rivier, sa vie et ses

oeuvres. RDI.. 31 ; 5. Seila, E. Posizione di Francesco Ferrara fra glj

economisti, GEc, F. St.itham, H. H. Truth about Ru'^kin, FR., Mr. Tiffany, Y. William Morris, craftsman & soci- alist, mV.. Mr. Waldstein, C. John Ruskin, NAR., Ap. Wedgwood. Ji'.Iia. John Ruskin, CoR., Mr. AN'ickstecd. P. H. Personal impressions of Dr.

Martineau, CoR., F. Canals : American policy & the Isthmian canal,

RRN., Mr. Burt, G. A, Comparison of the Isthmian canal

projects, EM., Ap. Gore, J. H. Rhine- Elbe canal. RRN., Ap. Symons, T. W. Canals from the Great Lakes

to the sea, F.. Ap. Census: Bainrs, J. A. Census taking & its lim- itations. J RS.. Mr. Dynes, J. H. Development of the plan for a

cen'=ii'i of the world. ASA., D. The census, JRS., Mr. Ceylon ; Leclcrcq. J. Ceylon sous Tadministra-

tion coloniale de I'Angleterre, RDM., Mr. i. Charities: Holmes, T. Home industries & home

heroism, CoR., Mr. New plans for training charity workers. ChR.,

Mr. See Associations, Poor Laws. Chemistry: Clnrke, F. W. Hundred years of

chemistry. PSM., Ap. Children: Bouland, R. du Sart de. Participa- tion des enfants a la mutualite. RSC, Ap. Brace. C. L. Day schools for crippled children,

ChR.. Ap. Folks, H. Care of dependent, neglected & de- linquent children. ChR., Ap. See Criminolog}'. China: Brandt, M. v. Vom chinesischen Zopfe

u. dem was daran hangt, DR., Ap. Brewster, W. N. Warlike policy of China,

URN., Ap. Courant, M. Trade corporations In China,

PSM.,Ap. Ho Vow. Western benefits through China's

development, F.. Mr. Morrison. G. J. Engineering in China, Cas-

sier's, Ap. Parsons. W. B. American invasion of China,

McClure's, Ap. See Eastern Question. Churches : Adler, K. Teachings of Jesus n

the modern world, Ethical addresse*i. Je. Barrymore, H. J. Paradoxical profession, F.

Ap. Bechenard, P. L. End of Americanism in

France. NAR., Mr. Dullaert. M. Traitements du clerge catholique,

RSC, Ap. Evans, E. P. Survival of mediaeval credulity

PSM., Mr. Ap. Hcensbroech, P. v. Papsttum u. Inquisition

DR., Ap.

Hoffman, F. S. Scientific method in theology. NAR., Ap.

Lu/zatti, L. Science el foi. RefS., Ap.

MacColl, M. Lambeth decision & the law, FR.. F.

Mallock, W. H. Logic of non-dogmatic Chris- tianity, FR., F.

Mivart. St. G. Roman congregations & modern thought, NAR., Ap.

Muntz, E. Protcstantisme et I'art (Apropos de la recente crise de TEglibe anglicane). Revue des revues, Mr.

Porter, F. C. Ideals of seminaries, NW'., Mr.

Savage, M. \. After orthodoxy, what ? NAR., Ap.

Warschauer, J. From Paul to John, NW., Mr.

See Religion. Cities: Campbell, A. A. Electrical engineering & the municipalities, NC., F.

Coffin, C. H. Municipal art, Harper's maga- zine, Ap.

Tarbell, Ida M. Charm of Paris, Scribner's, Ap.

See Education. Civilization : Curls, G. Prime origin! dell' incivilimt^nto in Sardegna, RilS., Ja,

See Social Compact. Civil-Service Reform: Ford. H. J. Political

evolution & civil service reform, A.-\P., Mr. Colonies : Autonomic de nos vieilles colonies et I'experience anglaise, ASP., Mr.

Bigelow, P. A successful colonial experiment. Harper's magazine, Ap.

Day, C. Experience of the Dutch with tropical labor. I. Culture system, YR., F.

Manfredi, Vittorio. Colonlzzazione interna in Gran Bretagna, Italia e Germania, RISS., F.- Mr.

Thierry. C. de. Colonial sovereignty, Asiatic quarterly review, Ap. Com.Tierce: Mulhall, M. G. Forty years of British trade, CoR., Mr.

Porter, R. P. Our European trade, NAR.. Ap. Commercial Traveler: Wisby, J. H. Com- mercial traveler's work of civilization, A., Mr. Communes : Besta, E. Sull' orlgine dei comuni

rural), RilS. Constitution: Judson, H. P, Constitution & the territories, RRN., Ap.

West, M. Fourieetuh .-\mendment in the light of recent decisions, YR., F. Consumption: Covert, U. S. Consul. Precau- tions against inberculosis in France, S., Mr.

Munn. W, P. Tuberculosis quarantine not prac- ticable, F., Ap.

State medicine in Colorado: measures against consumption, S., Ap. Co-operation : Harwood, W. S. Co-operation in the West, Atlantic, Ap.

Le Cour Grandm.nison. C. Mouvement corporaiif en Europe. RU.\L, F. 15. Copper: Hatch, F. H. World's supply of cop- per, EM., Mr.-Ap. Corporations; Schuster, E. Promotion of companies & the valuation of assets accord- ing to German law, ECT.. Mr. Cotton Manufacture : Thompson, Helen. A

southern mill town, PSQ., Mr. Criminology & Penology: Bessicre, G. En- quere sur les etabiissements d'education peni- tcntiaire, RPe., F.

Geocze, Charlotte de. Protection de I'enfanccet la criminalite aux Congres de Budapest, RefS., Mr. I.

Ghio. P. A. Maiia et maliosi, JEc, Mr.

Harris, R. O. Mass. probation system, ChR.,

Ap- . . .

Joly, H. Une loi mcconnue [education et pa- tronage des jeunes detenus], RefS., F. 16.