Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/876

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KcIIor, Frances A. Criminal sociology: the

American vs. the Latin school, A., Mr. Kellor, Frances A. Psychological & environ- mental study of women criminals. II, AJS., Mr. Lee;rais. J.. & Borzenko. Transportation en

Siberie, RPe., Mr. Levy, F. Prisons en Autriche, RPe., F. McDaniel, E. W. IMaking of honest people, A.,

Ap. Meerscheidt-Hiillecsem, von. Etfolge der Ber-

tillonage in Deutschland AKK., 3; 3.

Paul. Strafkarten u. Stralragister, AKK., 3:3. Riviere, L. Ecoles de bienfaisances beiges,

RPe.. Mr. Smith, S. G. Typical criminals, PSM., Mr. Steckel, A. True purpose of penileniiary poli- tics, A., Ap. Cuba : Buck, \V. R. Cuban charities under mili- tary supervision, ChR., Ap. Gould, E. S. Outlook in Cuba (from a com- mercial engineering point of view), Cassier's, Ap. Rodnquez, J. L Church & church property in

the island of Cuba, ACQ., Ap. Ruz. A. Etats-Unis et Cuba, HN.. Mr. Divorce: Stanton, Elizabeth C. Is a national

divorce bw desirable? NAR., Mr. Eastern Question: Ford. A. H. Warfare of railways in Asia, Century, Mr. Gordon. T. Problem of the middle East, NC,

Mr. Mahan, A.T. Problem of Asia, Harper's maga- zine. Mr.-Ap. Maurenbrecher. \V. v, Geschichte der orienta-

lischen Frage, DR., Ap. Ma.\ey, E. Eastern question, A., Ap. Education: Bemis. E. W. Liberty in economic teaching, GM., Mr. Boudhors. Enseignement secondaire et les in-

terels sociaux, RefS., Mr. i-Mr. 16. Brown, E. E. Academic freedom, EdR., Mr. Butler, N. M. Status of education at the close

of the century. EdR., Ao. Foster, \V. E. The school & the library, EdR.,

Mr. Heilprin, A. Project of an international uni- versity, F., Mr. O'Shea, J. J. University & school in the late

Spanish colonies, ACQ.. Ap. Perplexities of a college president, Atlantic, Ap. Project for a national university, EdR., Ap. Rowe, L. S. Financial relation of the dept. of

education to the city govt., A.\P., Mr. Scott. R. P. New ediicr.tion office & the inter- ests of the empire, FR.. F. Smith, H, de F. Training "individuality in

College. EdR., Mr. Stimson. H. A. Need for advanced commercial

education, F., Ap. Taylor, J. B. College education & business,

EdR., Mr. Wyer, J. L, & Isabel Ely Lord. Bibliography

of education for 1899, EdR., Ap. Young, J. T. Administration of city schools.

AAP.. Mr. Set: Manual Traming, Sociology. Electricity: see Cities, Gas, Street Railways. Ethics: Bain, Mrs. Alex. Aims & illustrations in practical ethics. IJE., Ap, Dawson, G. E. Psychic riidiments & morality,

AJP.. Jan. Taylor, A. E. Metaphysical problem with spe- cial reference to its bearing upon ethics, iJE., Ap. Vidari, G. Intomo al fondamento della morale, RF. Ethnoiogy: Conway, R. S. The K-foIk, the Q-folk & the P-foIk, CoR., F.

Deniker. J. Classemcnt des etats sociaux ei caracteres linguistiques des groupes ethniques, HN., F. Evolution; Lloyd. A. H. Evolution & immor- tality, Monist, Ap. Spence, "W. Evolution & immortality, A., Mr.-

Ap. Tuccimei, G. Idee degli evolnzionisti intorno alia discenda delPuomo e dei mammiferi alia fine del secolo decimonono, RISS., Mr. Expansion: j^f Imperialism.

Family: Kammann, \V. Geschlechtsverhiiltnis der Ueberlebenden in den Kinderjahren, eine selbstandige Massenkonstantc, JNS., F. Feeble-Minded : Wells, K. G. Education of the

feeble-minded, NEM., Mr. Finance: DeWitt, R. T. Are legal-tender laws ex post facto? PSQ., Mr. Luzzaiti. Situation financiere en Italic, RPP.,

Mr. Macleod, H. D. Restoration of a gold currency

to India, Asiatic quarterly review, Ap. Mayer, Karl. Uebcr die Annahme von Bank- noten an offentlichen Kassen, Annaltn des Deutschen Reichs, 33 : 4. One hundred years of banking in New York,

Mr. Roberts, G. E. Government deposits in banks,

F., Mr. Rozenraad, C. International money market,

JRS., Mr. Vanderlip, F. A. New financial law, F., Ap. See Persia. Food: Mason, W. E. Preventing food adultera- tion by law, NAR., Ap. Preservatives & dyes in articles of food, S., Mr. France: Barclay, T. A lance for the French, FR., F. Hamon, A. Vie politique en France, HN., Mr. Gas: Adams, A. D. Gas engines & electricity supply stations, EM., Ap. Adams. A. D. Gas or electricity for heating, lighting & power, Cassier's, Ap. Geology: Le Conte, J. Century of geology,

PSM., Mr. Genius: Maxim, H. Genius & regeneration. A.,

Ap. Germany: Calan, C. de. Germains onentaux et

leur invasions, SS., Mr. Gold: Heilprin, A. Gold sands of Cape Nome,

PSM.. Ap. Great Britain: Arthur, G. Procrastination & parsimony, FR.. F. Ch.Trr.berlain, Mrs. Joseph. Obligation of em-

pir.' MAR.. Ap. Cunow H. England u. Russland in Asien,

NZ., J.T. 29. Newman. A. E. T. Supremacy of the House of

Comn'nns, New Cenlnr>' Review, Mr. Who ougl.t to pay for the war? Westminster

Mr. See House of Commons, India, Transvaal. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty: Hazeltine, M. W Hav-Pauncefote treaty, NAR., Mr. Whiteley, J. G. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, F., A p. Heredity : Sand, R. Causes de I'heredite, HN.,

Ja. History: Howard, G. E. Study of history in

schools, EdR.. Mr. Housing: Bernstein, E. Neue Vorschlage zur Reform der Volkswohnungen in England, NZ.,

Bosanquet. Helen. People & houses, EcJ., Mr.

Donald, D. Housing the poor. CoR., Mr. Immigrajion : Hall, P. F. Present status of im- migration restriction, GM., Ap. Immortality: 5«rir Evolution.