Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/882

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613, 712 ; Burwell, 856 ; Busemann, 422 ; Bushee, 437; Bushido, 773; Bushnell, 715; Butler, 60, 860; Buysch, 87; Byington, 711 ; Byron, 607.

Cadoux, 855; Caesar, 513; Caird. 569, 713, 839; Caisotti di Chingano. 428; Calabresi. 711; Calan, 860; Caldwell, 182-92, 428, 640; Callahan, 568; Callicles, 477; Callow, 569; Calmer, 423 ; Cambridge Bible, 713 ; Campbell, 256, 859 ; Campredon, 571.

Canada: 572, 715.

Canals: 572. 715. 8S9; 858(20),

Candolle, 831.

Capital: 427,572,715; j^c Political Economy.

Carl, 714; Carlile, 415; 428, 715; Carlyle, 372; Carus, 427, 856; Carpenter, 422; Carter, 424; Cazertano, 569; Casey, 424; Cassel, 430; Gas- sier, 862.

Castration: of degenerates as a protective nuasure, 847.

Catellani, 571,

Catholic Church: see Churches, Social Re- form.

Cathrein, 858.

Caucus; 715.

Causes de la decadence, 856.

Census: not to be implicitly relied upon, 818; 715, 856. 859.

Centralization: 572.

Cetty, 427.

Csvlon: 859.

Chalmers, 715,854; Chamberlain, 421, 860; Cham- bon, 857; Chamisso, 596; Chance, 420, 716, 717; Chanteau, 854; Chapman, 422, 571, 717, 718,857.

Charities; 427. 572, 715, 859; 420(3), 566(3), 710(3). 854(3).

Charity Organization : Concemtug certain ivise litnits to charity organization society -vork,y2i-%.

Charles, 569; Charter, 429; Chase, 470, 568; 712(10); C^hauvin, 857.

Chemistry : 859.

Chetwood,S6i ; Cheysson, 110; Chiappelli, 570.

Chicago: 566(4),

Child-Studv: 597(6).

Children: Public guardianship of the nat' ural rights of children [playgrounds], 845; 427,572,7^5.859; 7"l5).

China: 572, 715, 859; 422-3(10), 710(4).

Choquet, 422; Chormski, 31; Christ, 715.

Christianity': Caird's Fundatnenial idias of Christianity reviewed, 839-40.

Christian Science: 427, 572,715; 571(20).

Christison, 566 ; Christliche Theosophie, 714.

Churches: principles of the Catholic, and social reform, 16-50; anti -social influence of Protes- tant, 25-8; Social function of the, 305-21; Christian church &" social unity, 456-69; non-church going, 570(15); 427. 572, 715, 859; 424(15). 569(15), 713(15)1 856(10).

Church, Institutional: 715.

Church, past & present, 857; Church Congress, 713; Cilleuls, 430, 7r6.

Cities: City in history, 721-45; social influence of, 721-45; of Greece, 727-31 ; Rome & of Italy,

f3i-5; Neglected principle in civic reform jesthetics. the theater], 746-60; 427, 572, 715.

859; 420(4), 566(4), 710(4). 85414) ; i*-tf Chicago,

Garbage, Legislation, Police Courts. Civilization: S59; 425(18). Civil Service : defect in principle of, 823 ; 572. Civil-Service Reform : 859; 856(14). Claparede, 428, 862; Clare, 422; Clareiie, 420;

Clark, 569, 718; Clark university, 711; Clarke,

423,424. 605, 859. Classification: 427. Claverie, 716.

Clavton-Bulwer Treats: 713(14). Ciedat, 428; Clemenceau, 571 : Cleveland, 58. 424.

686, 718; Clinch. 430, 861.

Cliff-Dwellers: 427,572; 710(1).

Closson, 329.

Clothing : Psychology of modesty &, 246-62.

Coal: 572.

Cobbe, 858; Coc, 430; Coffin, 859; Cognigliani, 711; Cogswell, 427; Cohn, 429, 858, 567, 711; Colby, 422 ; Coler, 884 ; Coleridge, 2, 606, 858 ; Coletti, 430.

Collectivism: 572.

Collins, 716.

Colonies: Ireland's Tropical colonization re- viewed, 556-8; 427, 572, 715, 859; 423(10), 568 (10), 712(14), 856(14) ; see Protectorates.

Colquhoun, 718; Combe, 857; C^ombes de Lestra- de, 856.

Commerce: 427. 572, 716, 859; see Shipping.

Commerce ext^rieur, 427 ; commercial history, 431.

Commercialism: 572.

Commercial Traveler: 859.

Commons, 1-15, 156-71, 347-66, 544-52, 814-25,

Communes: 859.

Communication: 510(18).

Communism: 427,716; 571(20), 714(18) ; j#tf So- cialism.

Compayre, 716,

Competition : the cause of trusts, 232-3.

Comte, 619-24, 629, 632; Conant, 567, 716; Cone, 863; congres (2^) du credit, 858; congres gene- ral, 857 ; Congress f. innere Mission, 710; con- gresso (primo), 566; Conkling, 150; Conrad, 430, 568. 652; Constant, 309, 569.

Constitution: 428,573,716.859; 569(14).

Consumption (disease) : 572, 716, 859.

Consumption (economic) : 428, 716.

Consumers" League: Aims 6^ principles of the consumers* league, 289-304 ; 573, 716.

Conway, 429, 569. 716, 860; Cook, 420; Cooley, 425.

Cooperation: Productive, in France, 562; 428, 716, 859; 858(20) ; see Syndicates.

Copper : 859.

Coppet, 715 ; Cornaby, 715 ; Comelissen, 862 ; Comill, 427, 858.

Corporations; rise of, 820-25 ; 573,859.

Corrot, 714; Corsi, 428; Cosentini, 429, 713; Cos- sa, 424, 568.

Cost: 716.

Coste, 425. 844, 861, 877; Costelli, 428.

Cotton Manufacture: 859.

Coubertin, 427. 428; Coulanges, 684-5, 723 1 Cou- lon, 711 ; Coup d'etat, 422; C^urant, 859.

Courts: 424(14), 569(14).

Covert, 859; Craggs, 420; Craig, 319; Crampon, 856 : Crane, 713.

Craniometry: 428.

Crawford, 716; Crawley, 262, 255.

Cr£che; 854C3).

Credit: 422(9), 858(20).

Cree, 429,

Creeds : 569(15).

Crespi. 719.

Criminology & Penology: Influence of mar* riage (J«, 129; Race in the etiology of crime, 130; Problems of criminality, 279; Fanati- cism as a source of, 283 ; Psychological Hr' en- vironmental study of 7vomcn criminals, 527-43, 671-82; Lombroso's work in, 528-43; youthful criminality, 851; 428, 573, 716, 858; 421(5), 556(5), 710(5); see Liquor Question, Lynching, Police Courts, Puberty.

Crivellari. 716; Croce. 861; Cromwell, 715; 856 (10) ; Crookes, 426, 714; Croswell, 134.

Crowds : 428.

Cruttiwell. 569.

Cuba: 428,573,716,860; 568(10).

Gumming, 712; Cummings, 717, 718. 84S; Cunow, 860 ; Guris, 859 ; Curtis, 717 ; Curtius, 728 ; Cur- 2on, 571.

Currency : Begin ttings of c u rrency, 703.

Cust, 718.