Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/883

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Custom: Social control: custotn, 604-16.

Cantoni, 718.

Dachsel. 420 ; Dale, 319 ; Dana, 716 ; Daniels, 422 ; Danilewski, 591.

Danish West Indies: 573.

Dante, 350; Darby, 423; Darmesteicr, 334 ; Dar- win, 246, 839; Dastre, 429; Dave, 859; Daven- port. 571; David, 468; Davidson, 430, 717; Davis, 426, 717; Dawes, 396; Dawson, 425, 860 ; Day, 859.

Deaconesses: stfsii).

Deaf: 420(3). 854(3)-

Deardcn, 424; De Annond, 865; Debet, 862; Debone, 83, 86,

Decentralization: 856(i4>.

Declaration OF Independence: 716.

Decurtins, 35,48; Delbet, 430.

Degeneration: Marks of, &* atavisnt, 128.

De Greef, 10, 393, 622-5, 635 ; Dcicher, 431 ; Dela- courtie, 569; Delanne, 421; Delany,7i8; Del- boeuf, 391; Delbriick, 716; De Lisser, 717; Delman, 82; Dembitski, 556.

Democracy : Catholic church a vast, 23 ; danger of, in imitation, 71; faults of, 284; in New Zea- land, 414; Deschamps' Malaise de la d^mo- cratie reviewed, 697-8; 428, 573; 424(14;, 712 (14), 856(14).

Demolins, 718; Demoor, 571, 860; Denis, 428, 716; Denker, 566, 710; Dennis, 125, 424; Den- nison, 862.

Deportation: 567(5).

Deschamps, 430, 697; Desjardins, 427, 428, 863; Desloges, 422; Destinies de la Russie, 430; Deutscher Verein, 566; De Witt, 860; Devas, 428; Dicey, 717, 863; Diehl, 430, 862; Dietrich, 429, 717; Dewey, 183-92, 803; Dill, 568; Din- widdte, 568.

Direct Legislation: 573.

Disarm: see Militarism, Peace Movement.

Distribltion, Economic: 716.

Divorce: 716,860; 421(8).

Dickson. 131; Dock, 569, 713; Dodd, 715, 861; Dodge, 423; Dole, 569, 715.

Domestic Economy: 425, 716; 425(16), 570(16), 713(16), 857(16) ; see Sanitary Science,

Donald, 427, 860; Donaldson, 857; Donati, 425, 427 ; Donial, 855 ; Donisthorpe, 425 ; Doret, 857 ; Dorman, 713 ; Dowd, 717, 862 ; Drage, 652, 662, 863; Drafjer, 517; Dreiser, 718; Dresden, 420; Dreyfus, 373; Driesmans, 566.

Dkink: jfc Liquor Question.

Driver, 569 ; Drummond, 320, 713,

Dualism: Ward on. 554.

Du Barail, 863 ; Dubois- Reymond, 524 ; Duca di Gualtieri, 569; Ducuron-Fucot, 420; Dufour, 855 ; Diihren,7ii ; Dullacrt, 859 ; Dumontpallier, 391 ; Dunaud, 207 ; Duncan. 60; Dunn, 115, 276; Duprat, 857,858; Dupuich, 714; Du Puy, 420; Durand, 714; Durege, 394; Durham. 429. 716; Durkheim, 10, 124, 545, 558,801 ; Durrigal, 424; Dyke, 711 ; Dynes, 859; Dwight, 666, 861.

farle, 711 ; East India Co., 422. astern Question; 428.

Eaton, 420, 718, 858 ; Edgerly, 4-0 ; Edgeworth, 431.

Education: mental diseases &, 75-9; Popular, &r' public morality, 413; Social control 6^, 475-87 ; 428, 573- 7t6, 860; 421(6), 566(6), 711(6), 855(6) ; see Legislation, Manual Training.

Edwards, 716; Egglestone, 719; Eichmann, 716.

Egypt: 428; 712(10).

Ehrenberg, 713 ; Eichthal, 425, 717.

Elections: time element in, 51-71 ; 856(14).

ELECTRjcrrv: 573^

Ellis, 246, 262 ; Ellwood, 98-109, 820-27; Elton, 568; Ely, 858,861,863.

Emigration: 428, 716.

Encyclopaedia Biblica, 570; Encyclopadisches Handbuch, 711; Engelmann, 423; English po- litical house parties, 716.

Entrepreneur: 428.

Environmbnt: in race development, 265.

Epicurus, 776.

Epileptics: Pryor's Care &* treatment of i^- viewed, 841.

Eppler, 710.

Equality: liberalism upholds, in theory, 39; \io\i%\c.^% Id^es t-galitatres reviewed, 558; 716; 855(7). 857(18).

Ereebnlsse der SommcrpflegCt 854; Ericsson, 431 ; Escard, 718, 862.

Esotericism: 855(7).

Etcheveny, 429.

Ethics : Popular education &* public morali- ty' 4^3 j delation of, to sociology y 416; Gene- sis of ethical elements, 761-77; 428, 573, 716, 860; 421(7), f66(7), 711(7), 854(0,855(7).

Ethnology : Race tn the etiology of crtme, 130 ; Ripley's Races of Europe reviewed, 263-7;

428, 573, 716, 860 ; 420(1), 566(1), 710(1),

854(1) ; see Anthropology. Evangelisches Volkslexikon, 566; Evans, 859;

Everett, 715, 718. Evolution: Race preservation dogma, 488-505,

573, 860; 420(2), 566(2), 571(18), 7io(^). Eulenburg, 391, 718. Eurasians : 716. Expansion: see Imperialism. FACTORY Inspection : present organization of

English, 284 ; 428. Factory Legisl-\tion: Factory legislation for

women in Canada, 172-81. Fages. 430, 718; Fairbairn, 318; Fairclough, 861;

Falkner, 431, 861 ; Fambri, 213. Family : XlcCulloch's Legal status of /nether &*

child, 276; Race preservation £-»,493; Sover- eignty ^,683-05; 428, 573, 716; 421(8), 567

(8), 711(8), 855(8). Fanaticism : as a source of crime, 283. Far East: 573. Farlie, 715, 858; Farrar, 570. Fashion : 716. Fatigue : 563.

Faulkner, 845; Fay, 420; Fearon, 715. Feeble-minded: 860; 566(3). Felix, 426, 690, 694; Fere, 855; Ferraccim, 424 ;

Ferrara, 859; Ferri, 430, 528; Ferris, 424; Fcr-

ron, 856; Fcsch, 425; Fesscnden, 717; Fields,

859. Finance: Year of state deficits, 282; 428, 573,

716. 860; 421(4). 422(9), 567(9), 711(9), 855(9). Finland: 428, 573. Fire. 716. Fishbough, 713 ; Fisher, 430; Fiske, 422, 425, 568;

Flaischlen, 429; Flam^rion, 570; Fletcher, 570;

Fleutent, 858; Flint, 414; Florian, 566; Fltuc,

429, 430, 431. Flying: 573.

Flyni, 566; Folkmar, 854.

Folk-psychology: nature of, loa.

Folks, 715, 859; Follin. 861.

Food: 716,860; 713(16).

Foote, 420; Fotaker, 861 ; Ford, 280, 283, 422,428,

567, 568, 859, S60; Forel, 391; Foreman, 422;

Foster, 839, 860; Foucher, 568; Kouillee, 329,

426, 429, 416 ; Foumierc, 849; Fowler, 570; rox,

775 ; Frangais, 719. France: 426, 428, 566, 568. 855; 573, 716, 860,

861; 422(10). 426(19), 466(4), 567^18), 856(15),

858(181. Francois, 424; Frank, 87; Franklin, 568(10) ; Fri>

xcr. 425. Free Masonry: 426(20). Friedrich, 713.

Friendly Visiting: Richmond's Friendly visit- ing among the poor reviewed, 126. Frcund, 276, 571, 707; FroebeI,49i; Fuchs, 566;

Fuisting, 567; Fiir Feste u. Frcunde, 420; Fur

ness, 715. Future Life: 569(i5)t 7I3(i4}>