Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/519

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(a) Coste: according to the relations of urban to absolute population. 1 (Steinmetz, p. 83.)

() Ward: according to social stages distinguished as : (i) the solitary or autarchic stage; (2) the constrained aggregate or anarchic stage; (3) the national or politarchic stage; (4) the cosmopolitan or pantarchic stage. 2 (Steinmetz, p. 87.)

(c] Fouiltte: according to the relation of the whole to the parts. 3 (Steinmetz, p. 85.)

2. Morphological classifications :

(a] Spencer: according ( I ) to the degree of integration ; and (2) to the degree of militancy and industrialism. 4 (Steinmetz, p. 88.)

() Durkheim: a variation of Spencer. 5 (Steinmetz, p. 91.) (*r) Giddings: according to genetic relations indicated by degrees of differentiation ; another variation of Spencer. 6

3. Economic classifications :

(a] Hildebrand: according to the internal organization of economic life, in the manner in which products are distributed. 7 (Steinmetz, p. 99.)

(t)] Bticher: according to the general organization of indus- try. 8 (Steinmetz, p. 101.)

(*r) Grosse, Hahn, Liszt, and many others : according to the development of technique. 9 (Steinmetz, pp. 98 sq.}

4. Geographico-ethnographic classifications :

1 Les Principes d'une Sociologie objective. Paris : Alcan, 1899.

2 Dynamic Sociology, first edition, I, pp. 464-7.

3 La Science contemporaine, 1897.

4 Principles of Sociology, passim. Professor Giddings has recently published a very clear exposition of this element in Spencer's system, International Monthly, November, 1900.

$Les Regies de la Methode sociologique, pp. 100 sq.; La Division du Travail social, p. 189.

6 Principles of Sociology, pp. 63 sq.

i " Natural- Geld- und Creditwirthschaft," in Jahrbiicher fur Nationaloekonomie und Statistik, II (1864), p. 4; also the important work, Recht und Sitte uf den ver- schiedenen wirthschaftlichen Kulturstufen, 1896.

  • Die Entstehung der Volkswirthschaft, 1898.

9 GROSSE, Die Formen der Familie und die Formen der Wirthschaft, 1896 ; HAHN, Die Hausthiere (1896), pp. 385 sq.