Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/292

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��B — is sounded as in En<j. ' be.' In many instances it is diffi- cult to ascertain whether the sound be h or ]), or a com- pound sound of botli letters.

��Ba — sounds as Eng. ' bah ' ! Ba — when, as if ; posttixed to pronouns, it forms the jyoss. * Bag — the verbal pron., I. Bai — is sounded as Eng. ' l)y.' Baibai — -a stone-axe ; an axe. Bal, ban — are sounded as Eng.

'marl, barn,' omitting the r. Ban — a suffix to certain nouns ; as, makoro, ' fish'; makoroban, ' one who fishes,' ' a fisher- man '; makorobin, ' a fisher- woman.' Banug— the conj. dual, I-thee ; the first person nom., and the second person ace. Bapai — nigh, near, close at hand. Bapabunbilliko — inf., tolethnry. Bapabunbilla — imp., permit to

bury. _ Bapa-uwil — opt., (a wish) that

...may bury. Bapa-uwii koa — subj., (a pur- pose) in order to bury : that may... bury. Bapilliko — to bury, to inter. Bar A — down ; below. Barabba — jyr.n., Barabbas. Barabbanug — B. ; in the ace. Bara kako — actually down. Bara kolag — tending down. Bara — they.

Barabo — they themselves. Bai'abo-barabo — recip., they { do it) themselves, one to another. Bariin — down ; now is down. Barun — them ; ace. case.

��Barunba — belonging to them ;

their ; theirs ; gen. case. Barun kai, barun kaiko — from

them, as a cause ; on account

of them ; abl. 1. Barun kinbirug — loeally away

from them; out of them ;

from amongs them. Barun kako — with them locally. Barun katoa — in company with

them ; with them. Bathileia — Gr., kingdom. Bathileu— (7r., a king. Batolomai — i)r.n., Bartholomew. Bato — fresh-water ; cf. kokoin. Batoto — with water, as agent. Bato kabirug — out of the water ;

from the water, locally. Bau — sounded as Eng. ' bough.' Ba-uwil — 02^1., a wish as to the

action of the verb to which it

is joined. Ba-uwil koa — sub., in order that

...may... Be — is sounded as Eng. ' bay.' Beelidhebul — jir. n. , Beelzebub. Beelma — mocked ; did mock. Beelmaniin — -will mock. Beelmulliko —to mock, deride,

despise ; to make game of. Beelmulli tin — because of the*

mocking. Beelmulliela — mocked and con- tinued to mock ; was mocking. Beelmullinun — will be mocking. Bethany — pr.n., Bethany. Bethany kolag — towards B. Bethlehem — pr.n., Bethlehem. Bethapage — pi'.n. , Bethphage. Bethahaida — pr.n. , Bethsaida. Bi — is sounded as Eng. ' bee.' Bi — thou ; the verbal nom. Biblion — Gr., book, c/., book.

��*For all personal pronouns, and for the case-endings of nouns, see pp. 16, 17 of the Grammar. — Ed.

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