Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/298

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��Galiliiia — jir.n., Galilee. Galihiia kaba — at Gnlilee. Galilaia kabirug — out of G. Galilaia-kul — {masc. ) belonging

to Galilee ; a Galilean. Galiiaia-kah'u — (fcDi.) belong- ing to Galilee ; a Galilean. Galilaia tin — from (on account

of) Galilee. Galilaia tin-to — on account of

Galilee, as an Garamuiateu — Gr., scribes. Gii ram mateu -kal- — bel onging to

the scribes. Garammateu-kal-lo — belonging

to the scribes, acting as agents. G;\rammateu-kan — he who is a

scribe. Garammateu ko — for the scribes. Ga ram mateu nug— the scril^es, as

the object. Garammateu tin — on account of

the scribes; from the scribes,

as a cause. Gararaiaiateu-to — the scribes, as

agents. Garep (fbotru, Gr.) — Z'?!^/. , grape. Gennetharet — ■pr.7i.,Gennesaret. Gentail (fethane-kal) — Gentiles. Gentail kinko — for (unto) the G. Gentail koba — belonging to G. Gentail-to — G., as the awnts.


��G sounds as ng in Enff. * bung '; it has the nasal sound of 7i(/ in the English alphabet. Tlie sound is invariably the same whether at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a word, and cannot bo too strongly nasalised.

��Ga — or ; or it is.

��Ga !— lo ! behold !

Ga ba — or as ; it is as ; while as.

Ga wiya ? — or say? or is it not ?

Gagga, gagka — see ganka.

Gai — rhymes with IJnc/. ' nigh.'

Gaikug — the eye; the eyes.

Gaikug birug — from (awa3"from, out of) the eye.

Gaikug tin — because of the eye.

Gaiya — then ; at that time or period spoken of. It is used as a correlative to yakounta? ' when '? in the reply, ' gaij-a ' follows the word that indi- cates the time v/hen ; as, kiim- ba gaiya, 'to-morrow then.'

Gakea — .stood ; did stand.

Gakilliko — to stand upright.

Gakillilm — nov/ standing and continuing to stand.

Gakiilin — standing upright.

Gakogkilliko — to feign ; to sham or pretend.

Gakoiman — deceives ; betrays.

i^p^This and the word-forms Ije- low may be written either gakoi- or gako-.

Gakoimulliko — to cause decep- tion ; to deceive ; to betray.

Gakoiya — deceived ; denied ; he- trayed ; perverted.

Gakoiya — deception ; hypocrhsy ; deceit ; betrayal.

Gakoiyanun — Avill make believe or sham; v.-ill deceive or deny.

Gakoiya-uwil — opt., v\'ish to de- ceive or betray.

Gakoiya-uwil ba — as . . . might de- ceive.

Gakoiya-uwil koa — suhj., that... might deceive or betray.

Gakoiya-uwilliko — to wish to de- ceive.

Gakoiyaye — habitual deception, f^aye tin — on account of liabitual deception ; from hypocrisy or deceit.

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