Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/300

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��Grarabo-kakilliko — to 1)C in a state of re])ose ; to sleep.

Gavabo kakillin — present j>arf., sleeping ; reposing.

Garaka — the entrance or mouth of anything ; i.q. kurraka.

Graraka-ko — the entrance, as the subject.

Grarawalliko — to lose one self.

G-arawallilleiin — lost ; did lose.

Garawan — a plain ; a flat place; a level ; i.q. garai'awan.

Garo — -the eldest son ; the first born son ; cf. kurri and koro.

Garogeen — an elderly woman ; an old woman.

Garokal — aged ; elder ; old.

Garokea — stood up ; arose.

Garokeiin — stood up, at some definite time past.

Garokilla — mancl., stand wp.

Garokill^a — mand., stand up and continue to stand.

Garokilliela — ^9fflsi. part.^ con- tinued to stand ; stood.

Garokilliko — to stand upright on the feet ; to be in a stand- ing position.

Garokilli korien — neg., not to be standing upright ; not to stand.

Garokillin — ^jj'e*'. 2>«'"^-) stand- ing ; now standing upright.

Garombai — an elderly man; an old man.

Garkulleun — turned round.

Garkulliko — to revolve of itself; to turn one's self round.

Garug — rough ; rugged.

Garuggai'a — rugged ; proud.

Gati — happened of itself ; acci- dental ; perchance ; unawares ; without cause ; secret ; unre- vealed.

Gati — nothing ; nought ; not.

Gati kakilliko — to be nothing.

��Gati kakulla — was not ; evan- ished ; disappeared.

Gati-ta — the secret place.

Gatoa — ein^^hatic, I who ; it is I.

Gatoa-ta — emphatic, it is I who.

Gatoa-bo — empli., it was (is) I myself who.

Gatun — conj., and.

Ge — rhymes with the Eng. 'nay,' sounding strongly the nasal ng at the beginning.

Gearimulleun — choose ; elected.

Gearimulliko — to pick out ; to choose ; to cull ; to elect.

Gearun — pron., we.

\Incomplete : see note at tJie

end of the Lexicon. — Ed.]


��The aborigines seldom sound h as an initial aspirate; consequently the letter h is not much used in the language, save in words of foreign extraction.

��Hebiiraio — pr.n., a Hebrew. Hebaraioi-umba — belonging to

the Hebrews. Hek — 6'r., six. Hekaton — Gr., a hundred. Hekekonta — Gr. , sixty. Hellenik — Gr., Greek. Hendeka — Gr., eleven. Hepta — Gr., seven. Herod — jrr.n., Hei'od. Herodiath — pr.n., Herodias. Herod katoa — with (in company

with) Herod. Herodnug — H., as the object. Herod-to — Herod, as the agent. Herodumba — belonging to H. Herodiimba-kan — being H's. Hiereu— (?/•., a priest ; priests. Hiereu-kan — one who is a priest. Hiereu-ko — the priest, as agent.

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