Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/311

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��Korimulli-kan— one who cleanses with water ; a baptist.

KorimuUikanne — baptism.

Koriuiullikan-ta — the baptism.

Korimulliko — to use water in any way ; cleanse with water ; cf. kori, koli. ' water ': mulliko means ' to do with ' ; hence korimulliko is used to mean ' to baptize,' in any form.

Koriniulli koa — that ... might cleanse with water ; that . . . might baptise.

Koro-ka— concealed ; was hidden.

Korokal — old, worn out ; said of clothes or property, not of persons.

Koro-kakilliko — to be in a state of concealment ; to hide one's self ; to be concealed.

Korokal la— <:/«<., to the old.

Korokul katea-kanim — will be again old.

Korowa — the sea ; the waves of the sea.

Korowa tarig — the sea coast ; the seaside ; the coast.

Korug — the inland part of the country ; the interior ; the bush ; the wilderness.

Korug-ka —in the wilderness ; in the bush ; in the interior.

Korug kabirug — from (out of, away from) the bush ; from the country ; from the in- terior.

Korug tin — from (on account of) the wilderness, as a cause.

Korun — still ; .silent ; calm.

K6t — Eng., coat.

K6t-kan — one having a coat.

Kota — thought ; did think.

Kota ba — when (if)... did think.

Kota-ban kora — mand. (partici- pial form), cease thinking.

Kota-bumbilliko — to permit to cause to think : to let think.

��Kota-bunbea — allowed to cause thought ; did astonish ; made astonished.

Kota korien — thought not.

Kotan — thinks ; does think.

Kotanun — -fut-, will think.

Kotatoara — thought ; the thing which is thought.

Kotayikora — mand. (the verbal form) do not think ; think not; take no thought.

Kotara — an aboriginal instru- ment of war called by the Europeans 'a waddy ; a cud- gel, made of iron wood, stout in the middle but tapering to a point.

Kotara-kan — one having a cud- gel.

Kotaru — the cudgel, as an agent j with or by the cudgel.

Kotella — mandatory (the verbal form), do think : remember ; reflect.

Kotellan — does think.

Kotelleim — aor., did, does, will think ; thought ; thinks.

Kotellia — mand. (the participial form), think; be thinking; re- member ; reflect; meditate.

Kotelliela — thought ; did think ; was thinking.

Kotellielliko — to think and con- tinue to think ; to be thinking.

Kotellikanne — the thing which is thought ; imagination ; idea.

Kotelliko — to think ; to be in thought.

Kotellin — ^;xw<. ^»-es., the action of thought ; thinking.

Kotelli-ta — the thought.

Koti — a kinsman 0?' a neighbour; a friend ; a guest.

Koti — personally belonging to self ; own-self ; e.g. , giroiimba koti, 'thine own-self.'

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