�� �We {two).
�You (two). With Transitive Verbs.
�Th'y (ttcoj.
�ugurl With Intransitive Verbs.
� �We.
�' Ygu. With Transitive Verbs.
With Intransitive Verbs.
��*Lak, *to spear.'
��Exam2)le of the Declension of a Transitive Verb in the
Present Tense oj the Indicative Mood.
Any Tense may be declined in full in the same manner.
T. 1. Sing. Gate* yan lakkin I spear him.
Ginte ,, ,, Thou spearest him.
Kile „ ,, He spears him.
Dual. Gel ,, ,, We two spear him.
Gurl „ ,, You two spear him.
Keggul „ „ They two spear him.
Plu. Gurn ,, ,, We spear him.
Gun • ,, ,, You spear him,
Kar ,, ,, They spear him.
[*NoTE. — Yan, 'him,' is for ityau, an accusative form of the pronoun itye, kitye, ' he.' Instead of yan, any pronoun or noun in the accusative case may be used as the direct ol>ject of the transitive verl) ; and to decline the tenses of the Indicative and other Moods, five sets of pronouns are used, as shown aliove ; the particular set which ought to be used with each tense is indicated by the ' superior ' numeral put after the subject in the following paradigm of declension. Also, T. I, 2, 3, &c. indicates the Tenses as shown on the previous page. — Ed.]
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