Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/409

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��Guiinama — hailstoues.

Gruniiama — a black ant.

G-unnamain — a kind of quail.

Gunnambarra — to depend on another either for work or for food; to be troublesome or in- truding;.

Gunnang — another, besides, else.

Gunnawi — the side of the body.

Gunne — a mother.

Gunnigalang — plain ground.

Gunnigal — a plain; a valley.

Gunnigalgarral — a plain where there are no trees.

Gunnigalla — plain, flat; a valley.

Gunnilmarranna — to groau, as under a heavy burden.

Gunnimar — hooks at the end of spears.

Gunnimbang — a mother.

Gunnin — thumb; lit., mother.

G-unnindyang — motherless.

Gunnirra — to exert one's self or labour with groaning.

Gunnirra — to squeeze.

G-unno — tired, lazy.

G-unnog-gunnong — a cough.

Gunnubiyarra — to be loath to speak.

Gunnug-gulang — very distant.

Gunnuggurran — a rainbow.

Gunnugilanna — to be tired of; to dislike; cf. gonnu.

Gunnundurai — a constellation of three stars, one of which is very bright in the eastern horizon soon after sunset.

G-unnungadillinga — to excuse one's self. [denies.

Gunnungaldain — a liar, one that

Gunnungarra — to deny.

Giirai — fat.

Gurai — a voice, a groan.

Guraimarrabirra — to sigh.

Guralong — the liver.

Gurawin — a flower.

G-iirba — the fork in a tree.

��Gurbigang — a grub in the yam.

Gurda — cool; si/Z'sf., the cool of the evening.

Gurgagurga — a joint.

Gurgur — very deaf.

Gurian — a lake or large lagoon.

Guril — a smooth bluish stone somewhat resembling flint.

Giirilgang — marks, as on an opossum-cloak.

Gurilmarra — to mark the skin.

Gurin — charcoal .

Guringurin — soot; adj., sooty.

Gurou — foolish, stupid.

Gurra — a plate, a dish.

Gurrabang — the knee-cap.

Gurragadan — finished, all done.

Gurragalang — bitter; medicine.

Gurragalgambirra — to finish .

Gurragalgarra — to finish .

Gurragallagali — a son of Baia- mai, q.v.

Gurragamanna — to do fully, to finish; to go all away.

Gurragang — the knee-cap.

Gurragurragang — the knee.

Gurraggarang — a kind of frog; said to indicate rain.

Gurrai — refreshment; change.

Gurrai — dimly visible, indis- tinct, small.

Gurraibunminga — to see indis- tinctly.

Gurraibunmirra — to be weak- sighted.

Gurraimuggumuggu — in dis- tress; suffering.

Gurraingumminyu — to be dim, without light enough to dis- cern.

Gurramarra — to push.

Gurriabal — ^tired of a place.

Gurriabarra — to be tired of a place.

Gurriban — a noisy night bird.

Gurrigurriabal — n-retched.

Gurril — flint.

Gurrubar — jeddi»it;-e«red stone

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