Page:An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature (Volume 1 1877).pdf/214

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JOHN FOX seeing, delivered unto them a sort [number] of files, which he had gathered together for this purpose, by the means of PETER UNTICARO: charging them that every man should be ready discharged of his irons by eight o'clock on the next day at night.

On the next day at night, this said JOHN FOX and his six other companions, being all come to the house of PETER UNTICARO; passed the time away in mirth for fear of suspect till the night came on, so that it was time for them to put in practice their device: sent PETER UNTICARO to the Master of the Road, in the name of one of the Masters of the city with whom this Keeper was acquainted and at whose request he also would come at the first; who desired him to take the pains to meet him there, promising him that he would bring him back again. The Keeper agreed to go with him, willing the warders not to bar the gate; saying, "that he would not stay long, but would come again with all speed."

In the mean season, the other seven had provided them of such weapons as they could get in that house: and JOHN FOX took him to an old rusty sword blade, without either hilt or pommel; which he made to serve his turn, in bending the hand end of the sword, instead of a pommel: and the others had got such spits and glaives as they found in the house.

The Keeper now being come into the house, and perceiving no light, nor hearing any noise; straightway suspected the matter: and returning backward, JOHN FOX, standing behind the corner of the house, stepped forth unto him; who perceiving it to be JOHN FOX said, "O Fox! what have I deserved of thee, that thou shouldest seek my death?" "Thou villain," quoth FOX, "hast been a bloodsucker of many a Christian's blood; and now thou shalt know what thou hast deserved at my hands." Wherewith he lifted up his bright shining sword of ten years' rust, and stroke him so main a blow, as therewithal his head clave asunder; so that he fell stark dead to the ground. Whereupon PETER UNTICARO went in and certified the rest how the case stood with the Keeper; who came presently forth and some with their spits ran him through, and the other with their glaives hewed him asunder, cut off his head, and mangled him so, that no man should discern what he was.