Page:An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature (Volume 1 1877).pdf/215

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Then marched they toward the road, whereinto they entered softly; where were six warders: one of whom asked, saying "Who was there?" Quoth FOX and his company "All friends." Which when they were all within proved contrary; for, quoth FOX, "My masters, here is not to every man, a man; wherefore look you play your parts." Who so behaved themselves indeed, that they had despatched these six quickly. Then JOHN FOX, intending not to be barred of his enterprise, and minding to work surely in that which he went about; barred the gate surely, and planted a cannon against it.

Then entered they into the Gaoler's lodge, where they found the keys of the fortress and prison by his bedside; and there had they all better weapons. In this chamber was a chest, wherein was a rich treasure, and all in ducats; which this PETER UNTICARO and two more, opening, stuffed themselves so full as they could between their shirts and their skin: which JOHN FOX would not once touch, and said, "that it was his and their liberty whether he sought for, to the honour of his GOD; and not to make a mart of the wicked treasure of the infidels." Yet did these words sink nothing into their stomachs, "they did it for a good intent;" so did SAUL save the fattest oxen to offer unto the LORD, and they to serve their own turn. But neither did SAUL escape the wrath of GOD therefore; neither had these that thing which they desired so, and did thirst after. Such is GOD's justice. He that they put their trust in to deliver them from the tyrannous hands of their enemies; He, I say, could supply their want of necessaries.

Now these eight being armed with such weapons as they thought well of; thinking themselves sufficient champions to encounter a stronger enemy, and coming unto the prison, Fox opened the gates and doors thereof, and called forth all the prisoners: whom he set, some to ramming up the gate, some to the dressing up of a certain galley, which was the best in all the road, and was called the Captain of Alexandria; whereinto some carried masts, sails, oars, and other such furniture as doth belong to a galley.

At the prison, were certain warders; whom JOHN FOX and his company slew. In the killing of whom, there were eight more of the Turks which perceived them, and got themselves to