Page:An Historical Sketch of the Native States of India.djvu/382

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subordinate co-operation with it, receiving its protection and being recognised as the absolute ruler of the country. In the war which followed, the Nawáb acted in perfect good faith, and rendered no unimportant assistance in the way of supplies and in facilitating the passage of the British troops. For the services thus rendered he was rewarded by receiving as an addition to his dominions a portion of the northern part of Sindh, including Subzulkót and the fertile district of Bhúng Bárrá.

In the first contest of the British with the Sikhs the Nawáb of Bhá-walpúr was not concerned, but on the breaking out of the second war, 1848, he volunteered to aid the British with the whole of his disposable force. The offer was accepted. In May of that year, therefore, his army, amounting to about 9,000 men, crossed the Satlaj, and effecting a junction with Captain Herbert Edwardes and General Cortlandt, sustained an attack at the village of Kinéri from the army of Múlráj, amount— ing to 8.000 men and four guns, and repulsed them at all points, forcing them to retire into Multán. For this service the Nawáb was rewarded with a life pension of a lakh of rupees per annum, besides being reimbursed the expenses of the campaign.

Nawáb Bháwal Khan died in 1852. He was suc- ceeded by his third son. Sádik Khan—the eldest, Futteh Khan, having been disinherited by his father. Futteh Khan did not, however, acquiesce in this arrangement, but, escaping from the place in which he had been con- fined. began to levy troops. A large number of the chiefs rallied to his standard, and Sádik Khan was driven out. An appeal was then made to the British Govern- ment, but it refused to interfere in the internal affairs of the country. Finally it was arranged that Sáidik Khan should reside in British territory, receiving from his brother an allowance of 1,000 rupees per mensem, he relinquishing for ever. on the part of himself and his heirs,