Heminge to Michael Fraser and his wife.
19. Deed of Trust to John Heminge.
Subjoined to these Miscellaneous Papers, &c. are the tragedy of King Lear, and a fragment of Hamlet, both alleged to be in the hand-writing of Shakspeare; but these I shall reserve for a distinct consideration.
1. Queen Elizabeth’s Letter.
The first piece which we are to examine is, the pretended Letter from Queen Elizabeth to Shakspeare. As this and a few other pieces in this volume are very short, and cannot be well understood by partial extracts, I shall transcribe them, as by this means my objections will appear in a clearer light.
Her Majesty, if we are to credit these MSS., writes as follows: She no more ‘‘stands upon points” than Bottom, the Weaver; her Letter is “like a tangled chain, nothing impair’d, but all disorder’d:”
“Wee didde receive youre prettye Verses goode Masterre William through the hands off oure Lorde Chambelayne