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ande wee doe Complemente thee onne theyre greate excellence. Wee shalle departe fromme Londonne toe Hamptowne forre the holydayes where wee Shalle expecte thee withe thye beste Actorres thatte thou mayste playe before oureselfe toe amuse usse bee notte slowe butte comme toe usse bye Tuesdaye nexte asse the lord Leycesterre[1] wille bee withe usse.
Elizabeth. R.
“For Master William Shakspeare atte the Globe bye Thames.
[On a small paper stuck on.]
“Thys Letterre I dydde receyve fromme mye moste gracyouse Ladye Elizabethe ande I doe requeste itte maye bee kepte withe alle care possyble.
“Wm. Shakspeare.”
Before I enter on the examination of this curious paper, permit me to make a few
- ↑ I have here followed the fac-simile of the pretended original. In the printed copy, I suppose by an error of the press, we have Leiscesterre.