Page:An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic - Morris - 1920.djvu/72

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Transliteration. Translation.

Col. I.

it-bi-e-ma dGiš šú-na-tam i-pa-áš-šar
Gish sought to interpret the dream;
iz-za-kàr-am a-na um-mi-šú
Spoke to his mother:
um-mi i-na šá-at mu-ši-ti-ia
"My mother, during my night
šá-am-ḫa-ku-ma at-ta-na-al-la-ak
I became strong and moved about
i-na bi-ri-it it-lu-tim
among the heroes;
ib-ba-šú-nim-ma ka-ka-bu šá-ma-i
And from the starry heaven
[ki]-iṣ-rù šá A-nim im-ḳu-ut a-na ṣi-ri-ia
A meteor(?) of Anu fell upon me:
áš-ši-šú-ma ik-ta-bi-it e-li-ia
I bore it and it grew heavy upon me,
ú-ni-iš-šú-ma nu-uš-šá-šú ú-ul il-ti-’i
I became weak and its weight I could not endure.
Urukki ma-tum pa-ḫi-ir e-li-šú
The land of Erech gathered about it.
it-lu-tum ú-na-šá-ku ši-pi-šú
The heroes kissed its feet.[1]
ú-um-mi-id-ma pu-ti
It was raised up before me.
i-mi-du ia-ti
They stood me up.[2]
áš-ši-a-šú-ma ab-ba-la-áš-šú a-na ṣi-ri-ki
I bore it and carried it to thee.”
um-mi dGiš mu-di-a-at ka-la-ma
The mother of Gish, who knows all things,
iz-za-kàr-am a-na dGiš
Spoke to Gish:
mi-in-di dGiš šá ki-ma ka-ti
“Some one, O Gish, who like thee
i-na ṣi-ri i-wa-li-id-ma
In the field was born and
ú-ra-ab-bi-šú šá-du-ú
Whom the mountain has reared,
ta-mar-šú-ma [kima Sal(?)] ta-ḫa-du at-ta
Thou wilt see (him) and [like a woman(?)] thou wilt rejoice.
it-lu-tum ú-na-šá-ku ši-pi-šú
Heroes will kiss his feet.
tí-iṭ-ṭi-ra-áš-[šú tu-ut]-tu-ú-ma
Thou wilt spare [him and wilt endeavor]
ta-tar-ra-[as-su] a-na ṣi-[ri]-ia
To lead him to me.”
[]-ti-nim-ma i-ta-mar šá-ni-tam
He slept and saw another
  1. I.e., paid homage to the meteor.
  2. I.e., the heores of Erech raised me to my feet, or perhaps in the sense of “supported me.”