Page:An Oration Delivered April 2d, 1771.djvu/14

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An Oration.

me rather dye by the hand of my brother, and let him ravish all my portion?"[1]

It is said that disunited from Britain "we should bleed at every vein". I cannot see the consequence. The States of Holland do not suffer thus. But grant it true, Senaca, would prefer the Launcets of France, Spain or any other power to the Bow-String, tho' applied by the fair hand of Britannia.

The declarative vote of the British Parliament is the death-warrant of our birthrights, and wants only a Czarish King to put it into execution. Here then a door of salvation is open. Great Britain may raise her fleets and armies, but it is only our own King that can direct their fire down upon our heads. He is gracious, but not omniscient. He is ready to hear our Appeals in their proper course; and knowing himself, tho' the most powerful prince on earth, yet, a subject under a divine constitution of Law,

  1. —ita vitam corpusque servato, ita fortunas, ita rem familiarem, ut hæc posteriora libertate ducas,—nec pro his libertatem, sed pro libertate hæc projicias, tanquam pignora injuriæ.