Page:An Oration Delivered April 2d, 1771.djvu/15

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An Oration.

that law he will ask and receive from the twelve Judges of England. These will prove that the claim of the British Parliament over us is not only illegal in itself, but a down-right usurpation of his prerogative as King of America.

A brave nation is always generous. Let us appeal therefore, at the same time, to the generosity of the People of Great-Britain, before the tribunal[1] of Europe, not to envy us the full enjoyment of the Rights of Brethren.

And now, my Friends and Fellow Townsmen, having declared myself an American Son of Liberty of true charter-principles; having shewn the critical and dangerous situation of our birthrights, and the true course for speedy redress; I shall take the freedom to recommend with boldness one previous step.—Let us show we understand the true value of what we are claiming.

  1. I do not think the Quo Warranto against our first charter was tried in a proper court.