Page:An introduction to Roman-Dutch law.djvu/147

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The Law of Persons

APPENDIX A FoEM OF Grant of Venia Aetatis in Ceylon By His Excellency Sir Henry Edward McCallum, Knight Grand Cross of the Most distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Island of Ceylon with the Dependencies thereof. (Sgd.) Heney McCallum. To all to whom These Presents shall come Greeting. Whereas A. B. of by his Petition to us dated the solicited Letters of Venia Aetatis to supply his want of age and to enable him to manage transact and administer his affairs and property as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if he had attained his full age. And whereas it appears to us that the said A. B. is capable of managing his own affairs. Now these presents witness that having taken the said Petition into consideration we do hereby grant these our Letters of Venia Aetatis to the said A. B. thus supplying his want of age as fully and effectually to all intents and pur- poses as if he had attained the age of twenty-one years. And we do hereby also authorize him the said A. B. to ad- minister or cause to be administered all and singular his affairs and property and to manage and dispose of such property according to the Laws and customs of this country as if he had attained the said age of twenty-one years provided that he the said A. B. shall not alienate any immovable property whatsoever without the sanction of the District Court within the Territorial Jurisdiction of which such property shall be situated, and except as aforesaid all and singular the acts matters and things that the said A. B. shall or may do by virtue of these presents shall be considered valid and Legal to all intents and purposes without the same being impeached

or called in question on the ground of minority of the said A. B.