Page:An introduction to Roman-Dutch law.djvu/148

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The Law of Persons

108 THE LAW OF PERSONS And we do hereby require and Command the several Courts of Justice in this Island and all subjects of His Majesty the King to conform themselves to these Presents all objections to the contrary notwithstanding. Given under Our Hand and the Public Seal of the Said Island on this day of in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine Hundred and By His Excellency's Command Colonial Secretary. APPENDIX B Form of Ante-ntjptiai contract in use in South Africa [From The Notarial Practice of South Africa, by 0. H. Van Zyl, p. 201.] Know all whom it may concern. That on this the day of one thousand nine hundred and before me, A. B. of Cape of Good Hope, Notary PubUc, by lawful authority, duly sworn and admitted, and in the presence of the subscribing witnesses, personally came and appeared C. D. of Bachelor, and E. P. of Spinster, who declared that whereas a marriage has been agreed upon, and is intended to be shortly had and solemnized between them, they do, by these presents, contract and agree, each with the other, as follows : FIRST. — ^That there shall be no commimity of property or of profit or loss between the said intended spouses, but that he or she respectively retain and possess all his or her estate and effects movable or immovable, in possession, reversion, expectancy or contingency, as fully and effectually as if the said intended marriage did not take place. SECOND. — That the one of them shall not be answerable for the debts and engagements of the other of them, whether contracted before or after the said intended marriage. THIRD. — That all inheritances, legacies, gifts, or bequests, which may devolve upon, or be left, given or bequeathed to either of the said intended spouses, shall be the sole and exclusive property of him or her upon whom the same shall

devolve, or to whom the same may be left, given, or bequeathed.