Page:An introduction to Roman-Dutch law.djvu/149

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The Law of Persons

APPENDIX B 109 FOURTH. — That each of the said intended spouses shall be at full liberty to dispose of his or her property and effects by will, codicil or other testamentary disposition, as he or she may think fit, without the hindrance or interference in any manner of the other of them. FIFTH. — That the marital power which the husband by law possesses over the property and the estate of his wife, is hereby excluded, and that he is expressly deprived thereof over the estate of his intended spouse. UPON ALL WHICH conditions and stipulations the appearers declared it to be their intention to solemnize the said intended marriage, and mutually promised and agreed to allow each other the full force and effect hereof under obligation of their persons and property according to law. THUS DONE, contracted and agreed at aforesaid, the day, month, and year first aforewritten, in the presence of the subscribing witnesses. As witnesses : (Sgd.) . G . H . C . D . I .J . E . F Quod Attestor. A .B

Notary Public.