Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/120

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The Abbey of Bliss

only he who has renounced everything is fit for the work. Like the kite tied to the reel, a man who is tied to affections can never leave the world behind to soar in the heavens."

"I confess I do not quite see it, Maharaj. Is every one who looks at his wife or child unfit for any great work?"

"A look at those we love makes us unmindful of the work of the gods. It is one of the articles of our creed that a Child must be prepared to die as soon as it may be necessary. Could you ever give your life for any cause if you thought of the wife and the children you had left behind."

"But could I forget my daughter, only if did not see her?"

"If you can't, don't take the Vow."

"Has every Child thus renounced his wife and children before taking that vow? The Children must then be quite a handful, I should suppose."

"The Children are of two classes, the initiated and the uninitiated. Those who are uninitiated are either householders or beggars. They come to fight and disappear with their share of the booty or other reward. Those who are initiated have to renounce everything. They are the leaders of the Society. I don't ask you to be one of the uninitiated, for there is no lack of men to fight with sticks or spears at the time of battle. You cannot be entrusted with any serious work of the Society unless you are initiated."

"What is the initiation? Why should I be initiated