Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/121

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Chapter IV

anew? I have already had to go through that ceremony once before." "You must give up your old creed and take a creed from me anew." " How am I to give up my Mantram ?" " I shall show you the way. 1 ' " Why should I have to take^-a new one ?" " Because the Children are alt Vaishnavas." " I do not know how it is so. How could the Children be Vaishnavas when the avoidance of all blood-shed is considered as the highest virtue with them ? " " That's the Vaishnava creed of Chaitanya. It is the creed of that spurious Vaishnavism which grew up in imitation of -atheistic Buddhism. The ideal of true Vaishnavism is the chastisement of the wrong-doers and the salvation of mother earth ; for our patron Deity is the Preserver of the Universe. Ten times was he born in flesh to save the world. It was he who fought and killed demons like Keshi, Hiranyakasipu, Madhu, Kaitabha, Mur and Narak, Rakshasas like Ravana, and tyrants like Kansa and Sisupala. He is the Victor and the Bestower of Victory, He is the saviour of the world and the patron Deity of " The Children." Chaitanya's Vaishnavism is not true Vaishnavism, but only half the true faith. Its God is only Love ; but the true God is not Love alone but also Infinite Power. Chaitanya's Vishnu is all Love, our Vishnu is all Power. We are all of us Vaishnavas but the creed of either is only half the whole creed. Do you grasp it ?" 7