Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/216

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The Abbey of Bliss

Children fight their battle. Run fast. He who will first mount the summit will win. Say 'Hail, mother' !" This cry was likewise honoured with great zest. Solemnly the Children 's force ascended the hill ; but suddenly they saw with dismay that Mahendra Sinha was fast riding down the hill and blowing his trumpet. Presently the crest of the hill was filled with English guns and gunners standing out against the azure sky. The Vaishnava force sang catches from the song, " Hail, Mother " but the roar of the English guns soon drowned the solemn music. Hundreds of Children lay low on the hills with their arms on them, killed or wounded. 'Boom-oom-oom-oom' roared out another volley from the English guns, shaming the thunder of the sky and the roar of breakers in the sea. The Children's army were hewed down by it as ripe crops are by the peasant's scythe. In vain did Jivananda and Mahendra fight, — like rolling stones the Children rushed from the hill and fled in all directions. " Hurrah ! Hurrah !" shouted the English and marched down the hill to slay the whole force. With their bayonets lowered, the fear- ful and invincible British army rushed after the Children like a great waterfall emerging from the hills. Only once did Jivananda meet Mahendra and then he said : " To-day is our last day ; come, let us die"here." " If by dying we could win," said Mahendra, " I would willingly die ; but to die in vain is not the hero's ambition." "In vain will I die," said Jivananda, " if in vain it