Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/217

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Chapter VI

is to be ; but still I will die in battle/' Me then turned round, and, addressing the fugitives, said : " Come with me any one who wishes to die with the name of the Lord on his lips." Many came forward, but Jivananda said : " That won't do ; swear in the name of the Lord that you will not turn back with your life." Th ose that had come forward withdrew. " None of you will come ?" asked Jivananda. " All right ! then I will go alone." He then got himself on his saddle, and shouted to Mahendra who was far away : " Tell Nabinananda that I go. We will meet in the next world." So saying the brave man spurred on his horse into the thick of the fight amid showers of bullets. With his left hand he held a spear, in his right a gun, and in his mouth was the cry of " Hare, Murare" There was no likelihood of anything like warfare ; still he shouted " Hare, Murare" and rushed into the ranks of the enemy. Mahendra then called out to the flying Children : u Look, you all do just look at Jivananda ; you can't be dying if you only look at him," Some of the Children turned round and saw the superhuman feat of Jivananda. They were at first as- tonished at this and then exclaimed : " What ! he knows how to die and not we} Come let us die with him and go to Baikuntha" At this some Children returned, and some of those