Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/218

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The Abbey of Bliss

followed their example, and they were joined by others — there was a great uproar. Jivananda had in the mean- time entered the ranks of the enemy, and they saw him no more. The rest of the Children now saw that some of them were returning. Every one thought that the Children must have won the fight. The whole army therefore turned round and rushed upon the English force. Among the English forces too there was a great confusion. The sepoys were forsaking the fight and running away, the English soldiers too were making for their camp with their arms. Looking round for an explanation Manendi'? found, on the summit of the hill, a large contingent of Children rushing down the hill on the English from behind. He then called out to his soldiers: " Children, look, there is Master Satyananda's flag. The Lord Incarnate himself, the slayer of demons and wicked men, have come to the fight. Myriads of Children are on the hill. Say ( Hare 3 Murare' and crush the Mussulman force from both sides." The woods and wilds were then deeply stirred with their loud shout in response. The weapons of the Children mixed their clatter with the sound of the palm leaves waved by the wind ; Mahendra's army proudly mounted the hill and like stream turned back by a rock the State forces were stunned, disturbed and struck with fear. Satyananda, in the meanwhile, with his twenty-five thousand Children, fell upon them like the rushing sea and a tremendous fight ensued.