Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/222

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The Abbey of Bliss

Santi did so — there was nothing to be felt. The saint said : " See again, put your finger into the mouth and see if there is any warmth there. 5 ' Santi did as she was bid and answered " I cannot quite feel if there is." She had been lured into a half-belief by hope. The saint touched the body with his left hand and said : " You have been stunned by fear and can't feel it. I think some heat is left yet in the body. Feel once again." Santi again felt the pulse and found that it was stirring. Astonished, she put her hand on the breast, — the heart was beating. She felt for the breath and found that there was some motion. There was also some warmth in the mouth. She was astonished and said, " Was life really left or has it come anew ? " " That can never be ," " he answered ; " could you carry him to the bank of the pond there. I am a physician, I shall treat him." Santi carried Jivananda with ease and took him to the water. The physician said : " Take him to the tank and wash away the blood. I am coming with some medicine." Santi did as she was bid and the physician shortly arrived with a paste made of wild plants and creepers. He applied the preparation to the sores and then passed his hand over Jivananda's body for some time. Jivananda then sat up with a sigh and asked Santi : " Who have won the fight ?" " Yours has been the victory," replied Santi : " Make your obeisance to this great man."