Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/223

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Chapter VII

They both looked for him, but )o ! no one was there, The triumphant shouts of the victorious army were heard close by, but neither Santi nor Jivananda rose to go. She stood still on the steps of the tank shining under the full-moon above. Jivananda grew well very shortly under the influence of the healing balm, and said, " Santi, the effect of the physician's drug is wonderful. I have no more got any pain or discomfort in my body ; I am prepared to go where you choose. Hark, there are the triumphal shouts of the Children !" " None of that, any more," replied Santi. " Our Mother's work is done and the country has come under the sway of the Children. We don't want to share the sovereignty, why then should we go there any more?" " That which we have taken by force," said Jiva- nanda, " we have to keep by force." " For that there is Mahendra and Satyananda him- self," replied Santi. " To expiate your transgression you laid down your body for the benefit of your faith. The Children have no more any claim on your revived life. To the Children^ we are dead. If they see us returning now they will say 'Jivananda fled for fear of life at the time of the battle and now that we are victorious, he has come to share our spoils." " You mean to say," said Jivananda, " that we shall forbear doing our duty for fear of scandal ! Service of the Mother is my duty and I will do it no matter what people may say." " To that you have no claim," said Santi, " for, you