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As a number of persons in as well as out of Boston have expressed a desire to read the constitution of the Anarchists' Club, we print it here, together with some remarks and explanations which, though, perhaps, unnecessary for people intelligently familiar with the central idea of Anarchism, may be of service to those interested in the subject and as yet inadequately informed as to the real aims and objects of the Anarchistic movement. It may be well to mention here the fact that the objections anticipated in the explanatory notes have already been suggested by some local critics,though not in a clear and definite manner.

Constitution of the Anarchists' Club.

Article I.—We, the undersigned, hereby constitute ourselves as an association under the name of the Anarchists' Club.

Article II.—The purpose of the Club is the abolition of all government imposed upon man by man, by holding public meetings, lectures, and debates, distributing Anarchistic literature, and all other agencies, methods, and measures not themselves partaking of the nature of such government.