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Article III.—Any person may become a member by signing this constitution, and each member shall be entitled to vote on any question coming before the Club.

Article IV.—There shall be no membership fee, but each member is requested to contribute monthly to the Club's treasury as large a sum as his circumstances will allow.

Article V.—The only regular official of the Club shall be a Secretary-Treasurer.

Article VI.—At each regular business meeting of the Club a chairman shall be chosen, by a majority of the members voting, to preside at that meeting and at all meetings of the Club, public or private, which may be held before the next regular business meeting. In the absence of the chair man thus chosen, the meeting shall be called to order by the Secretary-Treasurer, and a temporary chairman chosen by a majority of the members voting.

Article VII.—The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be those usually incumbent upon such an official. His term of office shall expire on the first Sunday of the month of January following his election, and on that day a new election shall be held.

Article VIII.—The Club shall hold its regular business meetings on the first Sunday of each month. The Secretary Treasurer shall call a special business meeting upon receiving a written request that he do so, signed by at least ten members of the Club.

Article IX.—The conduct of each meeting shall be vested solely in the chairman, and from his decisions there shall be no appeal.

[Note: This article is not at all antagonistic to the "no government" war-cry of the Anarchists. To aver that it is is to demon-