Page:Anne Bradstreet and her time.djvu/388

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Mather, Cotton 59, 64, 76, 145
Medical Profession in Mass. 172
Meditations, Divine and Moral 290
Michaud 35
Milton, John 31
Montaigne, Essays of 17
New England 22, 126, 130, 165, 166, 167, 180
Nonconformists 14
Northumberland, Duke of 23
Norton, John 311, 330, 338
Nowell, Rev. Mr. 62
Pareus, David 83
Parker, Thomas 176, 179
Pemble, William 155
Peters, Hugh 117, 202
Phipps, Sir William 181
Pearce, William 66
Pewter Plate 209
Pelham 50
Players 16
Poems, Anne Bradstreet's 222
Poets, American 224
Poole, Mrs. Elizabeth 155, 156
Preston, Dr. 36
Puritan 14, 54, 69, 125, 127, 128, 131, 218
Puritanism 4, 98
Quarles, the Emblems of 17
Quakers in New England 318, 320, 322, 324
Renascence 66
Revolution, a Spiritual 5
Religious Reflections 349
Road-making 216
Robinson, Rev. John 31, 37, 112
Rogers, John 25
Rupert, Prince 82
Ruskin, John 25
Russ, Goodman and Goodwife 210
Salem 58
Saltonstall, Sir Robert 45, 49
Schools, Andover 206
"New England 206
Servants, English 203, 209
"Indian 203