Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/44

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He drew his mighty Frigats all before,
On which the Foe his fruitless Force employes:
His weak ones deep into his Reer he bore,
Remote from Guns as Sick-men from the Noise.

His fiery Canon did their Passage guide,
And following Smoke obscur'd them from the Foe:
Thus Israel safe from the Egyptian's Pride,
By flaming Pillars, and by Clouds did go.

Elsewhere the Belgian Force we did defeat,
But here our Courages did theirs subdue:
So Xenophon once led that fam'd Retreat,
Which first the Asian Empire overthrew.

The Foe approach'd; and one, for his bold Sin,
Was sunk, (as he that touch'd the Ark was slain:)
The wild Waves master'd him, and suck'd him in,
And smiling Eddies dimpled on the Main.

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