Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/45

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The Year of Wonders.
This seen, the rest at awful distance stood;
As if they had been there as Servants set,
To stay, or to go on, as he thought good,
And not persue, but wait on his Retreat.

So Lybian huntsmen, on some Sandy plain,
From shady coverts rouz'd, the Lion chace:
The Kingly beast roars out with loud disdain,
(m) The Simile is Virgil's, Vestigia retro improperata refert, &c,(m) And slowly moves, unknowing to give place.

But if some one approach to dare his Force,
He swings his Tail, and swiftly turns him round:
With one Paw seizes on his trembling Horse,
And with the other tears him to the ground.

Amidst these Toils succeeds the balmy night,
Now hissing waters the quench'd Guns restore;
(n) Weary waves, from Statius Sylv. Nec trucibus fluviis idem sonus: Occidit horror æquoris, antennis maria acclinata quiescunt.(n) And weary waves, withdrawing from the Fight,
Lie lull'd and panting on the silent Shore.

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