Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/46

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The Moon shone clear on the becalmed floud,
Where, while her Beams like glittering silver play,
Upon the Deck our careful General stood,
(o) The third of June, famous for two former Victories. And deeply mus'd on the (o) succeeding Day.

That happy Sun, said he, will rise again,
Who twice victorious did our Navy see:
And I alone must view him rise in vain,
Without one ray of all his Star for me.

Yet, like an English Gen'ral will I die,
And all the Ocean make my spatious Grave:
Women and Cowards on the Land may lie;
The Sea's a Tomb that's proper for the Brave.

Restless he pass'd the remnants of the Night,
Till the fresh Air proclaim'd the Morning nigh:
And burning Ships, the Martyrs of the Fight,
With paler fires beheld the Eastern sky.

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