Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 4.djvu/170

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[Book i.

Lord hath spoken, I have begotten and brought up children, but they have disregarded me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel hath not known me."[1] For how shall we not regard it fearful, if he that knows God, shall not recognise the Lord; but while the ox and the ass, stupid and foolish animals, will know him who feeds them, Israel is found to be more irrational than these? And having, by Jeremiah, complained against the people on many grounds, He adds: "And they have forsaken me, saith the Lord."[2]

Invective[3] is a reproachful upbraiding, or chiding censure. This mode of treatment the Instructor employs in Isaiah, when He says, "Woe to you, children revolters. Thus saith the Lord, Ye have taken counsel, but not by me; and made compacts, but not by my Spirit."[4] He uses the very bitter mordant of fear in each case repressing[5] the people, and at the same time turning them to salvation; as also wool that is undergoing the process of dyeing is wont to be previously treated with mordants, in order to prepare it for taking on a fast colour.

Reproof is the bringing forward of sin, laying it before one. This form of instruction He employs as in the highest degree necessary, by reason of the feebleness of the faith of many. For He says by Esaias, "Ye have forsaken the Lord, and have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger."[6] And He says also by Jeremiah: "Heaven was astonished at this, and the earth shuddered exceedingly. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and have hewn out to themselves broken cisterns, which will not be able to hold water."[7] And again, by the same: "Jerusalem hath sinned a sin; therefore it became commotion. All that glorified her dishonoured her, when they saw her baseness."[8] And He uses the bitter and biting[9] language of reproof in His consolations

  1. Isa. i. 2, 3.
  2. Jer. i. 16, ii. 13, 19.
  3. Or, rebuke.
  4. Isa. xxx. 1.
  5. Lowth conjectures ἐπιστομῶν or ἐπιστομίζων, instead of ἀναστομῶν.
  6. Isa. i. 4.
  7. Jer. ii. 12, 13.
  8. Lam. i. 8.
  9. H. reads δηκτικόν, for which the text has ἐπιδεικτικόν.