Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/224

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Creator, the, made all things, spiritual and material, i. 237, 239; is the Word, ii. 105.

Creator, the, could not be ignorant of the Supreme God, i. 132, 133.

Day, the, does not square with the theory of Valentinus, i. 211.

Day of retribution, the, i. 197.

Dead, the, raised by Christ, a proof of the resurrection, ii. 87.

Death, the, and life, ii. 82.

Decalogue, the, at first inscribed on the hearts of men, i. 419; not cancelled by Christ, 424, 425.

Demiurge, the, the formation of, according to Valentinus, i. 20; the creator of all things outside the Pleroma, 21; ignorant of what he created, 22; ignorant of the offspring of his mother Achamoth, 24; passes into the intermediate habitation, 28; instructed by the Saviour, 20; is the centurion of the Gospels, ibid.; views of the heretics respecting, exposed and confuted, 184, etc.; declared by the heretics to be animal, 231; if animal, how could he make things spiritual? 237, 239.

Devil, views of the Carpocratians respecting, i. 95.

Devil, practised in falsehoods, he tempted man, ii. 110, 117; his lie in regard to the government of the world, 119, 120.

Devil, the sons of the, ii. 51.

Deuteronomy, ii. 167.

Diatheses, the, of Ptolemy, i. 40.

Disciples, the true spiritual, ii. 6, etc.

Discriminating faculty, the, in man, ii. 45.

Disobedient, the, are the angels of the devil, ii. 49.

Duodecad, the, of Valentinus, how said to be indicated in Scripture, i. 12.

Dyad, the, of Valentinus, i. 45.

Earthly things, types of heavenly, i. 436.

Ebionites, the, i. 97; refutation of, who disparaged the writings of Paul, 320, etc.; strictures on, ii. 57.

Ecclesia, the, of the Valentinians, i. 24; of Ptolemy, 50.

Egyptians, the Israelites commanded to spoil the goods of, an exposition and vindication, i. 475–480.

Elements, the twenty-four, of Marcus, i. 64, etc.

Elijah, ii. 66.

Elisha, ii. 102.

Emanations, the, of Valentinus and others, an account of, 4–35, 45, etc., 49, etc., 64, etc.; ridicule poured on, 47, 48.

Encratites, the, i. 100.

Enmity, the, put between Eve and the serpent, i. 367.

Ennoæ, i. 4, 5, 49, 101, etc., 104.

Enoch, the translation of, ii. 05, 66.

Enthymesis, the, of Sophia or Achamoth, i. 9, 21; the absurdity of, 180, etc.; the treachery of Judas not a type of, 191–193.

Error, how often set off, i. 2.

Eucharist, the, i. 435, ii. 59.

Evanthas, ii. 137.

Eve and the Virgin Mary compared, ii. 106, etc.

Eve, the story of, according to the Ophites, i. 107.

Faith, the unity of the, in the universal church, i. 42, etc.

Faith of Abraham, the, the same as ours, i. 45.

Father, the, the world made by, through the Word, i. 120–123.

Father, the, how no one knows, but the Son, i. 389; reveals the Son, 391.

Fear produces (according to Valentinus) animal substances, i. 22, 23.

Five, the number, the frequent use of, in Scripture, i. 208–210.

Flesh, the, as nourished by the body of the Lord, incorruptible, i. 435; made capable of salvation, ii, 59–64; quickened, 84, etc.; saved by the Word taking flesh, 91; the saints having suffered in, shall receive their rewards in, 141, etc., 143, etc.

Flesh and blood, ii. 75–78.

Flesh, the works of the, ii. 80, etc.

Florinus, ii. 158.

Free-will, man endowed with, ii. 37–41.

Fruit of the belly and of the loins, i. 355.

Gentiles, the conversion of, more difficult than that of the Jews, i. 457–459.

Gideon, a type, i. 335, ii. 68.

Gifts, the, of the Holy Spirit, ii. 72.