Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/225

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Gnostics, the hypocrisy and pride of, i. 321.

God, but one, proved against Marcion and others, i. 117–120; the world made by, 120–123; created all things out of nothing, 144–146; not to be sought after by means of syllables and letters, 212, etc.; many things, the knowledge of which must be left in His hands, 221, 222; alone knows all things, 224; all things made by, 235; different names of, in the Hebrew Scriptures, 254, 255; one, proclaimed by Christ and the apostles, 266; the Holy Ghost throughout the Old Testament mentions but one, 268; objection to the doctrine of one, deduced from 2 Cor. iv. 5, answered, 273; objection from Matt. vi. 24 answered, 275; proved to be one and the same, the Creator, from the Gospel of Matthew, 277; from Mark and Luke, 281; from John, 287–292, 296, etc.; showed Himself to be merciful and mighty to save, after the fall of man, 347, etc.; His providential rule over the world, 371; just to punish and good to save, 371, 372; but one, who is the Father, 377, 378; the unity of, proved from Moses, the prophets, and Christ, 378–382; immutable and eternal, 382; the destruction of Jerusalem derogates nothing from His majesty, 383; but one, announced by the law and the prophets, whom Christ confesses as His Father, 386, etc.; has placed man under law for man's own benefit, 416, etc.; needs nothing from man, 426, 427; formed all things by the Word and Spirit, 439–444; declared by the Son, 444; seen by men, 426, 427; yet invisible, 446; not the author of sin, 471; the author of both testaments, ii. 4, etc.; attributes of, 43; the misery of departure from, 47; one and the same, inflicts punishments and bestows rewards, 48, etc.; His power and glory will shine forth in the resurrection, 61, etc.; those deceived who feign another, 64, etc.; the image of, in which man was made, 99; unity of, reaffirmed, 100; pardons our sins, 100, etc.; and the Word, foi-med all things by their own power, 103, etc.; declared by the law and manifested in Christ, 114, etc.; communion with, 129, 130; His infinitude, 162; always true and faithful, 170.

God of this world, the, i. 273.

Gods, the so-called, in the Old Testament, i. 270.

Good works not necessary for Valentinian heretics, i. 26.

Gospels, the four, there can be neither more nor fewer, i. 293; symbolized by the four living creatures, 293, 294; respective characteristics of, 294; those who destroy the form of, vain and unlearned, 295.

Government, civil, of God, and to be obeyed, ii. 119, etc.

Grain of mustard seed, the, ii. 172.

Greater and less, application of the phrase, i. 400–403.

Grief, evil spirits said by Valentinus to derive their origin from, i. 23.

Heaven, the, of Valentinus, i. 21, 22.

Heavens, the new, different abodes in, ii. 155, 156.

Helena and Simon Magus, i. 87, 88.

Henotes, i. 47.

Heresies, of recent origin, i. 265, 266.

Heretics, the, resort to Scripture to support their opinions, i. 11, 74, 78, 79; modes of initiation practised by, 28–84; deviation of, from the truth, 84, etc.; their perverse interpretations of Scripture, 144; have fallen into an abyss of error, 146, etc.; the first order of productions maintained by (viz. Æons), indefensible, 152, etc.; borrow their systems from the heathen, 160–168; miracles claimed to be wrought by, 241, etc.; blasphemous doctrines of, further exposed, 242, etc.; follow neither Scripture nortradition, 259; refutation of, from the orderly succession of bishops in the churches, 260; tossed about by every wind of doctrine, 269–271; unlearned, ignorant, and divided in opinion, ii. 107; to be avoided, 108, etc.

Holy Spirit, the, descended on Jesus at His baptism, not Christ nor the Saviour, i. 334.

Holy Spirit, gifts of the, ii. 172.