Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/229

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Saturninus, the doctrines of, i. 89, 90.

Saviour, the, asserted by the Valentinians to be derived from all the Æons, i. 14, 25; various opinions of, among the heretics, 50.

Scriptures, the, appealed to by the heretics, i. 11, 15; how perverted by the heretics, 31, etc.; refutation of false interpretations of, 38, etc.; perverted by the Marcosians to support their absurdities, 74–80; perverse interpretations of the heretics, 144; proper method of interpreting the obscure passages of, 217–219; translation of the Hebrew, into Greek, 251; interpreted vith fidelity by the LXX. translators, 253.

Seed, Valentinian absurdities respecting, exposed, i. 184–190.

Seeing God, i. 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447.

Separatists, to be shunned, i. 463, 464.

Septuagint, the story of the origin of, i. 352, 353.

Serpent, the, cursed, i. 366; speculations respecting, ii. 165, 166.

Sethians, the doctrines of the, i. 104.

Shadrach, etc., in the fiery furnace, ii. 66.

Sige, i. 4 and note, 7; pretended revelation made by, to Marcus, 65; and Logos, mutually contradictory and repugnant, 150.

Simeon and Jesus, i. 327.

Simon of Cyrene, curious opinion of Basilides respecting, i. 91.

Simon Magus, i. 86; the pretensions of, 86, 87; honoured with a statue, 87; and Helena, 87, 88; the priests of, 88; succeeded by Menander, 89.

Sin, God not the author of, refutation of the Marcionites, 474, etc.

Sin, the pardon of, ii, 100, 101.

Sins of former times, recorded in Scripture for a warning to us, i. 465.

Son, meaning of the term, ii. 51.

Son of God, the, not made man in appearance only, i. 342–344; everywhere set forth in the Old Testament, 403, etc.

Son, the, reveals the Father, i. 390, 395; revealed by the Father, 391.

Sons of the devil, ii. 51.

Soul and body, views of the heretics relating to the future destruction of, refuted, i. 228, etc.

Souls, absurdity of the doctrine of the transmigration of, i. 247–250; existence of, after death, 250, 251; immortal, although they had a beginning, 251–253.

Soter, i. 205.

Sophia, the Æon so called, i. 6; her passion, 7, 8; another name of Achamoth, 16, 103; could have produced nothing apart from her consort, 149; exposure of the absurdity of the whole Valentinian theory respecting, 180, etc.

Spirit, the Holy, gifts of the, ii. 72.

Spiritual, the absurdity of heretics claiming to be, while they declare the Demiurge to be animal, i. 331.

Spiritual men, ii. 6, 73; and animal, 80, etc.

Spoiling the Egyptians, the act examined and vindicated, i. 475.

Stauros and Horos, i. 14, 15, 29.

Stesichorus, the story of, i. 87, 88.

Stone, the, cut out without hands, i. 356.

Tatian, the doctrines of, i. 100; refuted in his denial of the salvation of Adam, 368.

Teaching, the, of Jesus, opposed to the opinions of heretics, i. 242, 243.

Teitan, ii. 137.

Temptation, the, of Christ, ii. 111–113.

Testaments, the two, God the author of both, ii. 4.

Tetrad, the first, i. 5; of Marcus reveals Aletheia, 59.

Thamar, her labour typical, i. 459, 460.

Thelesis, i. 49.

Theodotian and Aquila, their interpretation of Isa. vii. 14 refuted, i. 351, 352.

Translation, the, of Enoch and Elijah, ii. 00.

Transmigration of souls, the, the absurdity of the doctrine of, i. 247–250.

Treasure hid in a field, the, i. 461.

Triacontad, the, of the heretics, i. 147.

Truth, the, to be found in the catholic church, i. 264.