Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/230

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Types, earthly, of heavenly things, i. 436, etc.

Unity, the, of the faith of the universal church, i. 42.

Unity, the, of God, i. 268, etc., ii. 100, 114.

Utter emptiness, the, of Valentinus, i. 48.

Vacuum, the absurdity of the, of the heretics, i. 125.

Valentinian views of Jesus refuted from the apostolic wiitings, i. 323.

Valentinians, the, their immoral opinions and practices, i. 26, 27; how they pervert Scripture to support their own opinions, 31, etc.; refutation of their false interpretations of Scripture, 38, etc.; quote Homer to support their views, 40, 41; the inconsistent and contradictory opinions of, 45, etc.

Valentinus, the absurd ideas held by, i. 4; his system derived from the heathen, with only a change of terms, 160–167; recapitulation of arguments against the views of, 239, etc.

Virgin, Jesus born of a, i. 346, 359–362; prophecy of Isaiah relating to, 351, etc.

Virgin Mary, the, and Eve, a comparison between, ii. 106.

Visions of God, i. 446, 447, 448, 449, 450.

Will, the freedom of the, in man, ii. 36, etc.

Wine, and water, the mixture of, ii. 57; and bread, in the Eucharist, 59.

Woman, the, with the issue of blood, not a type of the suffering Æon, i. 203.

Word, the, the world made through, i. 122; reveals the Father, 390, 391; always with the Father, 440; all things created by, 441; declares God, 444; takes flesh to save the flesh, ii. 91; the image of God, 99; the Creator, 105.

Works of the flesh, the, ii. 80.

World, the, not made by angels, but by God through the Word, i. 120–123, 124, 125; not formed by any other beings within the territory contained by the Father, 129, etc.; the Creator of, one, 142; ruled by the providence of God, SJl; to be annihilated, ii. 80.

Year, the divisions of, do not really suit the Valentinian theory of Æons, i. 210, 212.

Year of the Lord, the acceptable, ii. 197.

Zoe, i. 5.