Page:Antidote to superstition, or, A cure for those weak minds which are troubled with the fear of, ghosts and witches (NLS104184264).pdf/14

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been troubled for, had I not heard from whence it proceeded, We were no ſooner ſat down, but after having looked upon me a little while, My dear, ſays ſhe, turning to her huſband, you may now ſee the ſtranger that was in the candle laſt night. Soon after this, as they began to talk of family affairs, a little boy at the lower end of the tabletold her,that he was to go into join-hand on Thurſday. Thurſday? ſays ſhe, No, child, if it pleaſe God, you ſhall not begin upon Childermas day; tell. your writing-maſter; that friday will be ſoon enough. I was reflecting with myſelf on the oddneſs of her fancy, and wondering that any body would eſtabliſh it as a rule to loſe a day in every: week. In the midſt of theſe my muſings, ſhe deſired me to reach her a little ſalt upon the point of my knife, which I did in ſuch a trepidation and hurry of obedience, that I let it drop by the way; at which ſhe immediately ſtartled, and ſaid it fell towards her. Upon this I looked very blank; and obſerving the concern of the whole table, began to conſider myſelf, with ſome confuſion, as a perſon that had brought a diſaſter upon the family. The lady, however, recovering herſelf after a little ſpace, ſaid to her huſband, with a ſigh, My dear, misfortunes never come ſingle. My friend, I found, acted but an under-part at his table, and being a man of more good-nature than