Page:Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's Botanical Register.djvu/19

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Drummond occur a few twigs of a plant with narrow lanceolate leaves, and cone-like spikes of yellow (?) flowers, which bears to Melaleuca the same relation as Beaufortia to Calothamnus; that is to say, it differs in having the fruit only three-seeded instead of many-seeded; to this plant, which is more curious than beautiful, the name of Conothamnis trinervis26 may be given. Of the splendid genus Calothamnus there are four species; of which C. sanguinea, Lab., and C. eriocarpa,28 are remarkable for the abortion of a part of their stamens, and the combination of the remainder into an irregular sheath slit on one side; C. purpurea, Endl., rivals the crimson Callistemons in appearance; while the C. lateralis27 has long terete leaves and rows of flowers, so imbedded in long lines on one side of the branches, that only the tips of the calyx and the long blood-red stamens can be seen beyond the bark in which the inflorescence takes its rise; in this case the inflorescence is so peculiar as to deserve to become the subject of special enquiry. To these forms have to be added some shrubs which constitute a group not perhaps distinct from Beaufortia,29 but distinguished from that genus, as represented by B. decussata, by their capitate inflorescence, and by having the dehiscence of their anthers lateral rather than vertical. Of these bushes, all of which are extremely

(26) Conothamnus. Calyx 5-dentatus. Petala 5. Staminum phalanges petalis oppositæ, Antheræ cum filamentis continuæ, valvulis longitudinalibus persistentibus. Ovarium 3-loculare, ovulis solitariis peltatis. Fructus ramo adnati, intus capsulam 3-locularem, 3-spermam indehiscentem fovens.—Folia opposita, plana. Flores capitato-racemosi, terminales, bracteis latis imbricatis deciduis conum referentibus statu juniori sejuncti.

Conothamnus 3-nervis. Folia scabra, lineari-lanceolata, trinervia, subvenosa. Capitulum ovatum, bracteis late ovatis pubescentibus. Phalanges 8-10-andræ. Calyx lanatus. Fructus pubescentes.

(27) Calothamnus lateralis; foliis longissimis teretibus, floribus unilateralibus immersis pentameris, phalangibus æqualibus pentandris.

(28) Calothamnus eriocarpa; ramis villosis, foliis patulis teretibus, floribus tetrameris, phalangibus 2 polyandris hinc connatis: antheris serie lineari glanduloso-punctatis, staminibus 2 abortivis sejunctis, ovario lanato.

(29) Beaufortiæ § Schizopleura. Flores capitato-racemosi, terminales. Calyx inferus, 5-dentatus. Petala 5. Staminum phalanges petalis oppositæ; antheræ verticales a latere dehiscentes, valvulis lateralibus deciduis. Ovarium 3-loculare, ovulis solitariis peltatis. Stigma simplex. Fructus sessiles, calycis dentibus persistentibus coronati, intus capsulam liberam 3-locularem, 3-spermam, papyraceam foventes.

Beaufortia (Schizopleura) Dampieri (Beaufortia Dampieri, A. Cunn.)