Page:Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's Botanical Register.djvu/20

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pretty one, B. purpurea,30 figured in this sketch (Tab. III. A), has globose heads of deep purple flowers; and another, B. macrostemon,31 has them of what seems to be a rich scarlet, with a tasselled appearance, owing to the great length of the phalanges of stamens.

Of the Myrtaceæ with distinct stamens the species of known genera are numerous, but not in general so handsome as those already mentioned. There is one species of Callistemon,32 with rich crimson stamens, which is perhaps the finest of the genus. Frazer speaks of two Metrosideros, growing on the beach, the fragrance of which exceeded any thing "he ever experienced;" and there are several Bæckeas, Leptospermums, and similar plants. Of the latter, however, the only interesting species are Agonis33 linearifolia and flexuosa, DC., bushes with knots of white flowers; Hypocalymna robusta, Endl., which has clustered flowers, the colour and size of Peach blossoms; and a Pericalymma or two, which probably will prove pretty plants. Of unpublished genera there are two, one of which, Salisia pulchella,34 has large

(30) Beaufortia (Schizopleura purpurea; (Tab. III. A) foliis rameis imbricatis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis obtusis basi 3-nerviis, floralibus cordato-ovatis trinerviis marginatis, phalangibus hexandris basi pubescentibus, capitulis globosis.

(31) Beaufortia (Schizopleura) macrostemon; foliis linearibus obtusis planis vel lanceolatis trinerviis marginatis patentibus ramulisque pilosis, phalangibus elongatis 3–4-andris basi villosis.

(32) Callistemon phœniceum; foliis lineari-lanceolatis coriaceis mucronatis basi angustatis marginatis aveniis cortâ obsoletâ, calycibus glabris.—Flowers very rich deep crimson.

(33) This name, published by DeCandolle in 1828, was altered by Dr. Brown in 1830 to Billottia, the designation given by Colla, under a mistake, to some of the species of Calothamnus. As the change is apparently altogether arbitrary, I make no scruple about restoring the nomenclature of De Candolle.

(34) Salisia. Calyx omninò superus, campanulatus, 5-dentatus. Petala 5, membranacea, colorata. Stamina 00, æqualia, annulo inserta; antheræ oblongæ, biloculares, dorsifixæ. Ovarium 6-loculare, omninò inferum; loculis polyspermis, per rimas totidem in fundo calycis elevatas sub anthesi etiam dehiscentibus; stigma subcapitatum.—Flores corymbosi aut racemosi.

Salisia pulchella. Ramuli pubescentes. Folia alterna, obovata, plana, acuta, coriacea, obsoletè trinervia, pubescentia. Flores speciosi, in racemis corymbisque laxè ordinati. Calyx hemisphæricus, 2½ lineas latus, tomentosus, dentibus ovatis acutis. Petala subrotunda, concava, amænè rosea, ciliolata, 2½ lineas longa. Stamina 6 lineas longa, et ultra, numerosa. Calycis