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and despised persons. But, alas, madam, if you refuse this request, how great will be our mortification!—we know not where else to apply.”

The poor woman’s address, which she spoke with tears, moved my compassion. “Good woman,” said I, “do not afflict yourself; I will grant you the favor you desire. Tell me whither I must go, and I will meet you as soon as I am dressed.” The old woman was so transported with joy at my answer, that she kissed my feet before I had time to prevent her. “Compassionate lady,” said she, rising, “God will reward the kindness you have showed to your servants, and make your heart as joyful as you have made theirs. You need not at present trouble yourself; I will call for you in the evening.”

As soon as she was gone, I selected the garment I liked best, with a necklace of large pearls, bracelets, pendants for my ears, and rings set with the finest and most sparkling diamonds, and prepared to attend the ceremony.

When the night closed in, the old woman called upon me and said, “Dear lady, the relations of my son-in-law, who are the principal ladies of the city, are now met together. You may come when you please; I am ready to conduct you.” We immediately set out; she walked before me, and I was followed by a number of my women and slaves, richly robed for the occasion. We stopped in a wide street, newly swept and watered, at a spacious gate with a lamp, by the light of