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which I read this inscription, in golden letters, over the entrance: “This is the continual abode of pleasure and joy.” The old woman knocked, and the gate was opened immediately.

I was conducted into a large hall, where I was received by a young lady of exceeding beauty. She drew near, and after having embraced me, made me sit down by her upon a daïs, on which was raised a throne of precious wood set with diamonds. “Madam,” said she, “you are brought hither to assist at a wedding; but I hope it will be a different wedding from what you expected. I have a brother, one of the handsomest men in the world; his fate depends wholly upon you, and he will be the unhappiest of men if you do not take pity on him. If my prayers, madam, can prevail, I shall join them with his, and humbly beg you will not refuse the proposal of being his wife.”

After the death of my husband, I had not thought of marrying again; but I had no power to refuse the solicitation of so charming a lady. As soon as I had given consent by my silence, accompanied with a blush, the young lady clapped her hands, and immediately a curtain was withdrawn, from behind which came a young man of so majestic an air, and so handsome a countenance, that I thought myself happy to have made such a conquest. He sat down by me, and I found from his conversation that his merits far exceeded the account of him given by his sister.