Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/56

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The Twelfth Night.

THE Twelfth Night was far advanc’d, when Dinarzade call’d, and ſays, Siſter, you owe us the Continuation of the agreeable Hiſtory of the Grecian King and the Phyſician Douban. I am very willing to pay my Debt, replies Scheherazade, and reſum’d the Story as follows.

Sir, the Fiſherman ſpeaking always to the Genie, whom he kept ſhut up in his Veſſel, went on thus: The Phyſician Douban roſe up, and after a profound Reverence, ſays to the King, he judg’d it meet that his Majeſty ſhould take Horſe, and go to the Place where he us’d to play at Mell. The King did ſo, and when he arriv’d there, the Phyſician came to him with the Mell, and ſays to him, Sir, exerciſe your ſelf with this Mell, and ſtrike the Ball with it, until you find your Hands and your Body in a Sweat. When the Medicine I have put up in the Handle of the Mell is heated with your Hand, it will penetrate your whole Body; and as ſoon as you ſhall ſweat, you may leave off the Exerciſe, for then the Medicine will have its Effect. As ſoon as you are return’d to your Palace, go into the Bath, and cauſe your ſelf to be well waſh’d and rubb’d; then go to Bed, and when you riſe to morrow, you will find your ſelf curd.

The King took the Mell, and ſtruck the Ball, which was return’d by his Officers that play’d with him; he ſtruck it again, and play’d ſo long, till his Hand and his whole Body were in a Sweat, and then the Medicine ſhut up in the Handle of the Mell had its Operation, as the Phyſician ſaid. Upon this the King left off Play, return’d to his Palace, entered the Bath, and obſerved very exactly what his Phyfician had preſcrib’d him.

He was very well after it, and next Morning when he aroſe, he perceiv’d with as much Wonder and Joy, that his Leproſy was cur’d, and his Body as clean, as if he had never been attack’d with that Diſtemper. As ſoon as he was dreſs’d, he came into the Hall of publick Audience, where he mounted his Throne, and ſhew’d himſelf to his Cour-
