Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/57

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tiers, Who longing to know the Succeſs of the new Medicine, came thither betimes, and when they ſaw the King perfectly cur’d, did all of them expreſs a mighty Joy for it. The Phyſician Douban entering the Hall, bow’d himſelf before the Throne, with his Face to the Ground. The King perceiving him, call’d him, made him ſit down by his Side, ſhew’d him to the Aſſembly, and gave him all the Commendation he deſerv’d. His Majeſty did not ſtop here; but as he treated all his Court that Day, he made him to eat at his Table alone with him. At theſe Words, Scheherazade perceiving Day, broke off her Story. Siſter, ſaid Dimarzade, I know not what the Concluſion of this Story will be, but I find the Beginning very ſurpriſing. That which is to come, is yet better, anſwer’d the Sultaneſs, and I am certain you will not deny it, if the Sultan give me leave to make an end of it tomorrow Night. Schahriar conſented, and aroſe very well ſatisfied with-what he had heard.

The Thirteenth Night.

DInarzade, willing to keep the Sultan in Ignorance of her Deſign, cried out as if ſhe had ftarted out of her Sleep: O dear Siſter, I have had a troubleſome Dream, and nothing will ſooner make me forget it, than the Remainder of the Story of the Grecian King and the Doctor Douban. I do conjure you by the Love you always bore me, not to defer it a Moment longer. I ſhall not be wanting, good Siſter, to eaſe your Mind; and if my Sovereign will permit me, I will go on. Schahriar being charmed with, the agreeable manner of Scheherazade’s telling her Stories, ſays to her, You will oblige me no leſs than Dinarzade, therefore continue.

The Grecian King (ſays the Fiſherman to the Genie) was not ſatisfied with having admitted the Phyſician Douban to his Table, but towards Night, when he was about difmiſſing the Company, he cauſed him to be clad in along rich Robe, like unto thoſe which his Favourites uſually wore in his Preſence; and beſides that, he ordered him two
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