Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/101

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very rich, ſo that each Suit came to a thouſand Sequins; and when the Year was paſt, I began to wear them.

One Day, as | was buſy all alone about my private Affairs, there came one and told me, that a Lady deſir’d to ſpeak to me, I order’d them to bring her in: She was a Perſon well ſtricken in Years, ſhe ſaluted me by kiſſing the Ground, and told me kneeling, Dear Lady, pray excuſe the Freedom I take to trouble you, the Confidence I have in your Charity makes me thus bold; I muſt acquaint your Ladyſhip that I have a Daughter an Orphan, who is to be married this Day; ſhe and I are both Strangers, and have no Acquaintance at all in this Town; this puts me in a mighty Perplexiry, for we would have the numerous Family with whom we are going to ally our ſelves, to think we are not altogether Strangers, and without Credit: Therefore, moſt beautiful Lady, if you would vouchſafe to honour the Wedding with your Preſence, we ſhall be infinitely oblig’d to you; becauſe the Ladies of your Country will then know that we are not look’d upon here as deſpicable Wretches, when they ſhall come to underſtand, that a Lady of your Quality did us that Honour. But alas, Madam, if you refuſe the Requeſt, we ſhall be altogether diſgrac’d and dare not addreſs our ſelves to any other.

This poor Woman’s Diſcourſe, mix’d with Tears, mov’d my Compaſſion: Good Woman; ſaid I, do not afflict your ſelf, I am willing to grant you the Favour you deſire, tell me what Place I muſt come to, and I will meet you as ſoon as I am dreſs’d; the old Woman was tranſported with Joy at my Anſwer, that ſhe kiſs’d my Feet, without my being able to hinder it. Good charitable Lady, ſaid ſhe, riſing up, God will reward the Kindneſs you have ſhew’d to your Servants, and make your Heart as joyful as you have made theirs. It’s too ſoon yet to give your ſelf that Trouble, it will be time enough when I come to call you in the Evening: So farewel, Madam, ſaid ſhe, till I have the Honour to ſee you again.

As ſoon as ſhe was gone, I took the Suit I liked beft, with a Necklace of large Pearl, Bracelets, Pendants in my Ears, and Rings ſet with the fineſt and moſt ſparkling Diamonds; for my Mind preſaged what would befal me.

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